Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Surprise Date

Hey guys,

Sorry I know it has been well over a day. Some stuff came up that I had to attend to. On top of not being able to blog for you guys something strange has occurred. My pictures, all of them, from the date are gone. My camera no longer has them on it at all...I have no idea what happened and it makes me very sad. I will tell you how it all went though. Oh I just remembered that I took a few on my itouch! I went to SJ house before the date so we could continue watching the movie series. While I ate my breakfast I had this cute creature staring at me waiting for me to feed it cheese sauce from my nacho lunchable. SJ says it's my fault the kitty sits on the table. Oh well lol So I guess every time I go over the kitty will be waiting for me.

On the way to the surprise date we stopped at lolicup because I asked oh so kindly if we could go lol I always get either mango or almond snow with boba but this time I got something a little bit different. I called ahead because we were running a little late as it was. The girl on the phone asked if I wanted the mango snow or the fresh mango snow. So I opted out for the fresh one. OMG let me tell you all how refreshing and yummy it was. It has a totally different taste than the artificial mango snow. You can tell there is real mango because you suck up some of the fibers in the straw! My bobas started to get a little frozen and the snow consistency was just right! It was amazing. I was so addicted that I bought one the next day!

All the way to the location SJ was bugging me. He kept trying to guess where we were going. He guessed horseback riding, Medieval Times, the pirate show, and Knott's. My heart kind of sank after he guessed Medieval Times more than once because that was indeed the location. So I told him yes we are going and sorry it wasn't that much of a surprise. He seemed so excited though when I told him. He claimed he had no idea lol We had to stand in a line to get to the ticket window then a line to get in. Our color section for the show was green and we were at table 5. If you have never heard of this show click here. We found our seats and waited for the show to begin. Our waiter kept forgetting to serve SJ and I our drinks. So we kind of went through half the meal without drinks. Well I took a mini bottle of water but that's not nearly enough for the both of us. Below are a few pictures from the show. The lighting in the arena is not the best so don't be hating the pictures lol

We enjoyed the show and the food. I think the best part of the meal in my opinion was the apple turnover/pie. It was nice and warm, crisp, and gooey. So yummy!

If you guys have never seen the show and want to see the show I highly recommend seeing it!

I will add a quote from SJ onto this post later.



  1. aww this post was too cute: both you and SJ and also the cat!
    the food looks amazing too.

    I was so excited to see that you posted today btw:)

    1. At one point SJ was reading some stuff on the wall so i just stood next to him and without even looking he just put his arm around me and pulled me a little closer. Not sure if he was fully aware but it was so sweet

  2. Awww your surprise date sounds like you guys had so much fun!
