Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day With My Mom

How was your day?

I got up kind of early today for the summer. College is sneaking up on me so my mom and I went to one of my favorite stores, Target! I am upset though because the comforter I want is only online. I can't find it in the store even though I called Target and a man told me it would be in :( We have been to Target atleast 3 times to look for it too. So mom ordered it for me online. I was debating between the two below. Which do you think is more me? I like the one on the right more because I am a more blue, dark, green, teal person. Although I love the colors on the stripe one too..it was a difficult choice.

Since it is the summer I have been going to the movie theater a lot more than before. Have you seen the trailer for The Heat? If not I highly recommend you look it up on youtube. I have avoided seeing The Heat with my friends so I could watch it with my mom. Today happened to be the day she had time to go to the movies. I love watching funny movies or any movie with Sandra Bullock! She is one of my favorite actresses! During the movie my mom and I laughed so many times. Don't wana ruin it for anyone so I won't say much about the movie.

Half way through the movie I could hear my tummy telling me that it's hungry. Once the movie was over mom and I headed over to CPK. My sister and I agree that CPK is like OUR restaurant because we have been there at least 20 something times in like 2 years. I have mentioned before that I am trying to watch what I am eating so instead of eating half a pizza I had a wedge salad and one slice of pizza.

Maybe it is a girl thing but I have been planning my haircut for at least a month. Finally went to get it cut today. My hair when down would reach the bottom of my back. About 4 inches got truncated off (woot woot AP Lang word). I got side bangs and a few layers. After I got home I flat ironed my hair to see what it REALLY looked like. Turns out I feel like there isn't a huge change from what I had before the appointment. So I am going back tomorrow to get another layer cut in. But look at my hair on the floor!

We went to a nearby bakery to order a cake for two family birthdays coming up. Thought I would share a picture of a few of their cakes. I apologize for making you turn your heads to view this one. They looked so good! My mom got a bunch of little treats but I resisted the temptation!

I promised you guys Taco Tuesday so here it goes. I was supposed to prepare dinner but I was out too late so my dad did it for me. I don't like eating tacos like normal human beings. I crack the shell in half and make two open face tacos. They were very yummy after a full day of activities.

I will let you know tomorrow how the haircut goes!


1 comment:

  1. I like the comforter on the right but I do like the color blue. But both comforters look really nice...which did you end up getting?
