Friday, October 23, 2015

Panties O.O


What do I do when I close at VS? I fix all the bra drawers to make it look pretty which is probably the easiest part. Then there's the panty tables. Girls can be straight up savages when trying to find panties.

I really wish I had taken a picture of what this table looked like before I got assigned to it. Regardless, here is the after! My eyes start to hurt after staring at panties for so long!

Makes me never want to see panties again! Naw I kid! Still not fun though.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hand Henna

Hey there!

If you've been reading my posts, you will know that I've gotten into henna tattooing. Is that even a word? I hope it's a word. There are tons of photos online of hand henna designs, but I couldn't decide which I liked. What did I do? I just did my own thing. Not bad! Although please ignore that mark under my nail of my middle finger. My favorite would have to be my ring finger or middle.

Problem with hand henna is that it looks funny when I bend my fingers. I'll give it a shot with the new henna paste!


Lettuce Water

Hi friends,

I had leftover salad in a box but the bacon had become really soggy. I went to dump only the bacon into the trash, wasn't paying attention, and somehow managed to get a good portion into my doggy's water bowl.

I felt really bad for dropping all that in her food area. She seemed to enjoy the bacon though!

I am incredibly clumsy guys.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Take A Minute

Hey guys,

I want you, yes you, to take a minute to look at this photo. Life is too beautiful to not take a minute out of each day to smile. Pick and choose your battles. Your loved ones won't be here forever. Appreciate the small things in your life. What may seem like a simple every day necessity to you may be a once in a lifetime luxury to another.

Apple Snack!


We all get those late night cravings right? Mine tend to be anything salty, crunchy, and sweet. I work Sunday nights at Victoria's Secret and it is always at an odd time. Odd meaning eating dinner before is too early and eating after work is far too late. Kind of sucks because I am not really hungry before work then half way through work I turn into this hangry individual. Right, so the purpose of this post is to share this simple relatively healthy snack!

1. Dice up an apple. I am used to eating fuji apples. I suppose this would be just as tasty with any type of apple.

Also is it weird that I don't wash my apples? If I am using apples in a baked dish then I will wash them OR if it's for someone else I will wash the apples. Do don't freak out if I have shared some food item with apple in it with you!

2. Squeeze some peanut butter on top of the diced apple. I know it's probably a waste, but I like to use a knife to put some peanut butter into a baggie then cut a hole in the tip to squeeze it out. I mean if you've ever tried to spread peanut butter you know how dang difficult it is!! Give it a try!

3. Then take some dark chocolate and smash it up! I used this dark chocolate from Godiva. I originally bought it to use in my hot chocolate mix but this worked out pretty well. Take the dark chocolate pieces and sprinkle them over the apple.

4. Bam! All done. It was THAT simple!! It's almost like a caramel apple but not on a stick. Also not caramel . . . Wow that was not a good comparison was it? Just look at that yumminess! Writing this post makes me want it again tonight. Perfect because I am working 5-9 tonight at VS!

Hope you guys give this simple snack a try!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Pregnant Slug

Hey there,

You guys know how I work at Panera, but did you know that nothing is really cooked at Panera? Yea we serve food but do no cooking. I had to heat up a mac n cheese bag the other night and look at this! I told my coworker it looked like a pregnant slug and she laughed as she shook her head at me. I mean come on! Does it not look like that?


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mimi's Tail

Hi there!

I enjoy coloring my hair. I enjoy bleaching my hair. I pretty much enjoy damaging my hair! Due to my new job at Victoria's Secret I have not been allowed to color my hair. This could become a problem, but for now take a look at how I dealt with my urge to color my hair.

I had to have my dad hold her still so I could apply the hair dye to her fur on the foil. I think Mimi took it as her punishment for peeing on the carpet earlier!

After I got the foil and dye on I had my dad let her go. I thought she would have ran away but it's like she was frozen in place.

Kept an eye on her for about an hour and rinsed her in the sink. Then on to my parents' room to dry Mimi's fur. She did not look like a happy camper . . . It took a lot longer than I had expected because I had to put the blow dryer on cold and on medium. Look at that face!!

I happened to be talking to Bob at the time and she had asked what color. I told her I was using teal and purple but it would probably end up blending. Bob called it turple! Here's the result though. It was so difficult to get her to sit still for the photos guys. Eh satisfied that want to color my hair at that moment, but it's coming back!

Thanks for being such a patient puppy and allowing mommy to do crazy things to you!


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Wedding Dresses


I went with my mom to her salon appointment the other day and thought I'd flip through a magazine while I was chilling in the waiting room. Of course my eyes were drawn to the magazine with the wedding dress.

If you didn't know I've always wanted to go to a dress shop and try on a bunch for fun. I feel like it could either be a really exciting and inspirational or depressing. Why? Well  exciting because who doesn't want to put on a pretty dress?! Inspirational because one day I would really like to get married. I want to get a feel for what that dress shopping day/week would be like. But why depressing? I am short and it makes me worried that everything will be too long and I'll get lost in the fabric. I am also small on the top so all the strapless dresses will want to slide down on me. And I am not getting married any day soon lol

I think I appreciate the intricate detailing on the bodice of the dress. Yes I realize that taking a photo of a glossy page is not the best, but you get the idea.

When the day finally comes I have the feeling I will end up with a strapless dress that's got a bit of the princess bottom going on.

Just look at that beautiful design. Long sleeves aren't usually my thing, but this I don't think I would mind wearing.

There it is again. That poofy skirt bottom. I think having that volume gives a younger look.

This dress would be awesome for a winter outdoor wedding. With the trees in the background no?

Now this dress here has a gorgeous train. As much as I like it I know that I would be the one to get tangled in it somehow and trip!

This one has the long sleeves again, but look at the button detail down the back. Like or don't like? I think buttoning like that should only be on white mermaid style wedding dresses. Regardless, think about how uncomfortable that would be to lean back on. Ouch!!

Wedding dresses come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, lengths, etc. I feel like it's a whole different world of fashion. A wedding dress should reflect the personality of the bride.

When my time comes I hope that I don't run into my usual problems. For example, oh it's the last one and not your size and conveniently can't be altered to your body. Or it costs too much. I don't see the point in spending thousands of dollars on a dress for not even a whole day but a few hours. On the other hand if that's the cost of the perfect dress I may need to start saving now!


Mermaid Anatomy?

Afternoon everyone,

This past week I decided to go for a larger henna design that would take up most of my forearm. I found a cool mermaid anatomy looking tattoo online and thought I would give it a shot. First step, as usual, sketch it out with a marker. Let me just say that it is difficult enough to draw but even more difficult to try to draw upside down. It was late at night when I sketched it out so I slept with it because I knew I would end up making changes the next day.

Of course I woke up the next morning and made some minor changes. Little thinner here, longer fin, etc. For some reason I seem to end up at the kitchen counter to do my henna. Here it is half way done.The hardest part of this henna design would have to be the bone detailing.

All done! The hair was my favorite part to do because I could move quickly and be creative with the waves in her hair. Glad that she still looked awesome without a real face because I can not draw a face for the life of me!

What do you guys think? Had quite a few people comment on it at work the past few days. This may just be my favorite henna so far.

Halloween designs to come maybe . . .


Remove My Limbs

Hey guys,

So yes this one sucks lol I took this photo about a week after I applied it. My dog just had to keep jumping on the bed and near me when I was doing this. I do like the dots on this design.

This one seems a bit too boring for me, but I decided to leave it very simple. Lovely water background to go with the flowy nature of the design.

I really wish that I could remove my limbs so I could be able to work comfortably on myself. Would that be too weird?