Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Ring

Hi Everyone!

For the handful of you all that knew about the ring I wanted to get, I FINALLY got it! Today my mom and I went to Ontario Mills and after a very looooong month I can say that I finally have my ring. I must have called the store's manager at least 15 times. Want to guess my ring size? Turns out my middle finger is a size 4! I have very tiny fingers I guess. Trying to take a good picture of my ring is quite difficult. I think it is due to the 1/10 carat diamond and the low quality of my camera. If you would like to see the picture on line click this link here: .

Later in the day my boyfriend, who I will call SJ (short for Strawberry Jam), and I went to go eat some ice cream at Baskin Robbins. I tried their caramel turtle truffle and my SJ had the flavor of the month, oreo 'n chocolate. I must say that mine had a very interesting texture. It is hard to describe but I would say it was something like marshmallow fluff, frosting, or whip cream. Even though I didn't feel like I was consuming ice cream, it was delicious.

After ice cream SJ and I came back home and watched the rest of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The goal is to get through all of them before our summers end. On the way to dropping him off at the end of our "date" we stopped by a shoe store. Believe it or not I was the one that didn't really want to go, yet I walked out with an adorable sweatshirt. For only $10 too! It is a challenging task to choose shoes for your boyfriend. He made me look at all the shoes and choose the ones I liked. I only chose one pretty much. Turns out he had chosen a different pair. Who do you think chose the best shoes though? He actually liked the shoes I chose the best. I think that they are a good look for him. Since there were racks with clothes that were on sale, I made him try some on. He can actually pull off that sleeveless sweat jacket look! I must say that he looks really good in it too. On the down side, the store only had it in a large. He is a small..sometimes a medium. So now we have to go find him one some place else because I think he NEEDS to add one to his wardrobe for sure!

He and I have agreed to plan a surprise date for each other. I got my idea down and it should be happening this month. It is a bit on the pricey side, but hey it will be worth it in the end. Once we go on that date I will definitely upload pictures. Until the actual date, I have to keep my mouth shut so he doesn't catch on to what I have planned. All I can say is that it will take about half an hour to get there, it is something he has mentioned in the past, and it will be a lot of fun!

Talk to you all later,



  1. You finally got the ring! LOL
    The ice cream sounded super amazing and I can totally see that vest on SJ.
    Tell me how the surprise date goes;)

  2. I still thin ice cream in Japan is 100xs better tho. when SJ and I find him a vest thing I will have to upload a pix. I will definitely tell you how it goes!

  3. Now I need to go get some ice cream after reading this, haha. Post a picture of that ring as well!

    1. Oh my gosh this is so old! I'll post a photo of the ring and my new ones on Instagram. Check @bedazzle8
