Monday, July 8, 2013

Who Don't Love a Good Scrub?

Hello friends!

Being a girl, I love the feeling I get after a good body scrubbing. Don't you? If you have never tried one go buy one at like Target or a local drug store. Don't have the money to go buy one or too lazy? Today I whipped up another batch of my beloved DIY/homemade body scrub. The scrub I make is so convenient because most of us have the ingredients laying around in our kitchens! As you can see in the picture below I placed my scrub mixture into an empty body butter container. So if you have an empty container, a bowl, a tupperware, etc. grab it and follow my easy steps.

  •    1/2 cup sugar
  •    2 Tbsp salt
  •    1 Tbsp green tea
  •    1 Tsp extra virgin olive oil (optional)
  •    1/2 Tsp honey (optional)
  •    Few drops Tsp vanilla extract (optional)
*measurements are estimated and should be adjusted for the amount of scrub you choose to create.

Step 1: Clean your container. If your container is already dust, body butter, lotion, food, etc free then skip this step.

Step 2: Pour your sugar and salt into the container. If you don't want to use salt then leave it out and only use the sugar. It is up to you, I just like the mix of the two.

Step 3: Grab a mug and add 2 Tbsp of water. Microwave for 15 seconds. Throw in 2 green tea bags. Let them soak for a good minute or two.

Step 4: After your tea is done, use a spoon or your fingers to squeeze all the goodness out of the tea bags. (Try not to tear the tea bag or you will end up with little bits of tea leaves in your scrub)

Step 5: If you so desire, add the honey into the green tea and microwave for a good 10-20 seconds. Give it a good stir to ensure that the honey is dissolved. Honey will help to moisturize your skin and leave it feeling nice and smooth.

Step 6: VERY IMPORTANT! Allow the mixture to cool and THEN add the tea mixture to you dry ingredients. If you add in the tea when it is warm, the sugar and salt will start to dissolve.

Step 7: Add in the olive oil and vanilla extract. The olive oil, just like the honey, helps to moisturize and soften the skin. To be honest I just add the vanilla extract for a nice sweet but subtle scent. Don't think it is actually beneficial or a set back lol It can be somewhat relaxing too.

Step 8: Stir all the ingredients together to make a paste type of mixture. If it seems too thick add water to it. Be sure not to add too much water though or else the mixture will be too liquidy.

To use your scrub, use a plastic spoon to scoop some into the palm of your hand. I find it best to do this in the shower unless you are only exfoliating your hands. Rub the scrub in a circular motion all over your damp arms, legs, feet, hands, etc. Make sure you aren't too rough when you scrub because it can damage your skin. Rinse with warm water and make sure you apply lotion after drying off. Immediately after rinsing the scrub off you should be able to feel a difference in your skin. I love using this especially in the summer because it leaves you feeling smooth, soft, and beautiful.

If you give this scrub a try let me know how you like it!



  1. Loved this post a lot! Must give it a try! You should do more DIY for better skin since yours is always looking really good

  2. My skin aint lookn that great though. think the pool water and the heat is messing with my skin. I will have a post on later showing my new dinner food that i made. they were super cute! glad you liked it!

  3. I love your "scrub" post, it looks easier than I thought it would be. Very cool! :0)

  4. Thank you, it really is! I do it before or after I shave because it helps prevent ingrown hairs.

  5. Thanks! you prob also like that I did ur arms and legs for u xP
