Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bowling With The Bro

Hey guys,

I had a random craving for ice cream a few weeks back so while my brother and I were out walking the dog I asked if he wanted to go get ice cream with me. Figured we hardly spend any time together so why not make him drive me (he just got his license) to go get some Cold Stone?? Surprisingly he said sure and that he would drive and even pay! Plus he suggested we go bowling!

Same place I went to when Schatzi was here. My brother and I chose two balls each that way we wouldn't have to wait for the ball to come back up. The two on the left look like guacamole!

Oh yea so both of our names start with the letter B. Made it a tad bit confusing, but I was the bottom B and he was the top. Look this is the game where we both got a strike!

Before we started our third game I was really wanting some fries. Bam! Fries and ketchup of course!

I got the idea of using our left hands for the third and final game. We are both right handed so I thought it would be challenging and amusing. I went to go ask if we could get bumpers, but they had a sign saying you had to be 10 or under!! WHAT?! I can look young but not THAT young! Even with no bumpers we decided to give it a try for a bit. We honestly didn't do that bad! For the most part we did just as well with our left as we did our right. Then we started to get gutter balls and went back to using our right hands.

Ending scores. Me: 258 Him: 210

Off to ice cream!! But he decided not to get ice cream. He made me be unhealthy all by myself! He got boba milk tea though. I always have trouble choosing between two flavors. I got both! Mango and cotton candy with sprinkles and gummy bears! If you haven't had ice cream with gummy bears you MUST try! They get nice and hard and extra chewy! I want to mix a ton of sprinkles and mini Haribo gummy bears into some ice cream!

It was nice being able to have time to spend with my brother. Growing up we would annoy each other or play board games or the wii. We would mess with each other at the homework table till my mom yelled at us lol Now that we have grown up a bit I feel like we don't interact much. Even just a handful of hours being silly together made the day really special to me. Thanks for spending some bonding hours with me!




(a late post) After a very not so great work day I went to the ice cream place at the mall. The perfect way to make up for a horrible work day would of course being with Schatzi cuddling and watching a movie. Maybe eating popcorn and chocolate and ice cream and sprinkles and junk food! Yeaaaa pretty much my boyfriend and food. Since I couldn't have all that I had to settle with just ice cream and sprinkles.

I told the people at the ice cream place that no place EVER gives enough sprinkles. I absolutely LOVE sprinkles! If any of you have seen me eating sprinkles or talking about sprinkles you would know just how crazy I get! So look what they gave me! Lots of rainbow sprinkles in a container!

As for the ice cream I got jasmine milk tea and a cookie monster. They said they aren't allowed to do half and half, but they did for me! Want to know something about me? I have always wanted to get a double or triple scoop stack of ice cream on a cone! I feel like I would have trouble balancing them all and I'd be a big melty ice cream mess, but it would be awesome! I usually only eat the small scoop or a kid's scoop lol

Just look at those sprinkles! Sprinkles are so pretty and they make me happy. I'm like a little kid huh guys?

Of course I couldn't go without sharing with the baby. Oh and on that spoon there is ice cream covered with sprinkles! Starting to salivate just thinking about that ice cream treat.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Dark Mark Henna


I ordered some expensive henna. Yeaaa as I type that out I am starting to question how I spend my money, but I work hard so I can splurge here and there! I did just try to justify it to myself. Right, the purchase is besides the point. This is my first henna tattoo using my new paste. You can see the difference between this new paste and the one I've been using.

Drew this on using a pink marker. I probably should've chosen another color.

Started on the actual application. Much smoother and wet than the old paste.

After the paste dried up and crumbled off my arm this is what I was left with. Looked pretty cool with the orange(ish) and pink colors.

24 hours later the stain darkens and BAM! It's more of a light brown than I had expected. Not one of my favorite henna tattoos, but I can always test out another one in a few weeks!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Candy


Yes, I did have to work Halloween night. To be honest it didn't even feel like Halloween. I saw no trick-or-treaters. I didn't even hear any! At least I don't have to work on Thanksgiving or Christmas so I really hope those feel like holidays.

Back to the point of this post. My brother and his friends went out and look at this mess of candy!

The awesome part about that pile is that he let me have some!! Now I'm set till Christmas. What's super strange though is that I have been eating tons of candy and junk food but I feel thin. I know it's only a matter of time though before it catches up to me. Can't say I'm looking forward to that.

Hope y'all got your candy cravings satisfied!

Cheese popcorn!

Frozen snickers!



Halloween Looks

Hey guys!

Hope you all had a fun, relaxing, exciting Halloween! I got the baby another costume because it made me laugh so so SO hard! I mean come on, does that not make you laugh?? I almost peed my pants at PetSmart when I originally put it onto her. Plus it was only ten bucks! I absolutely love how it makes her look like a bug-eyed chihuahua. I don't think she thought it was nearly as funny as I thought.

Here she is wearing her bandanna after her grooming session. Of course that came off within an hour. She came home with bows as well, but she always shakes those off.

As for myself, I did some Halloween makeup. I had work that night, but my supervisor allowed me to wear darker makeup.

I honestly think if I could I would wear this every day. Oh I almost never wear falsies, but I managed to get a pair on in ONE try! Don't know how people wear these on a daily basis because they aren't terribly comfortable.

Happy Belated Halloween guys!


Happy Persimmon

Hi guys!

It is persimmon season!! Woohoo!! Best part is that my grandparents have a persimmon tree so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for these delicious fruits! I was eating a persimmon and does this not look like a face?? I thought it was kind of cute. I mean come on just look at that little nose, big eyes, and side smile!

Then after looking at it longer it reminded me of something I had seen on TV. He/she looks like Coraline! Never saw this movie, but I can see the resemblance.

That's me and my weird imagination/creative mind for y'all.


VS Halloween

Hey guys,

I worked the morning VS had the skeleton hand sports bra and panty deal. It was a $15 deal! For a sports bra and a panty?!?? This may sound expensive, but that's a crazy deal from VS! At first I didn't want it, but then the more I thought about it the more I wanted it. Of course I didn't need it, but 30 minutes into opening we only had four left! Most sports bras are too big for my small breasts, but this one is a simple cotton sports bra. I got one of the last four! Still on the fence about the placement of the hands, but oh well. Halloween treat to myself.