Saturday, May 16, 2015

Acrylic Nails But No Fingers?

Hi again,

I am pretty sure everyone has heard of, seen, or have had acrylic nails, but not everyone knows all the various types of acrylic nails that exist. Can't say I know all the types that exist, but today in class I used forms to create acrylic nails. What are forms? See that purple thing on the left? That, my friend, is an OPI form. It peels off the white paper and sticks to the skin like a sticker.

You then take that and apply it to the finger with the opening under the free edge of the nail. I think that they are tricky to use. I just need more practice probably.

So no fingers? How could I practice this with no fingers? Well my nail tech kit came with wooden cylinders. I applied the OPI form to the wood cylinder as if it were a finger. Once the acrylic cures and hardens I file the lumpy bumpies out, apply oil, and buff em smooth.

My first nail is on the left and the nail i finished last is on the right. I experimented with different sizes and shapes.

These first four were a bit on the thin side. Now if these were acrylic overlays (a layer of acrylic over glued on nail tips) it wouldn't be so bad, but because these are meant to stand along they need to be thicker. These nails, if done on a client, would most likely crack if hit hard enough.

Took a break for lunch and created these thicker four. I think I may be starting to get the hang of using a form. Can't say I like them yet, but I will keep at it. My instructor says that acrylics done with forms is getting to be more rare in the industry so it's important for us to be able to use forms. Also a technician can charge more for an acrylic set done with forms than a set done with tips.

More talent = more $$


3D Acrylic Flowers

Afternoon guys,

Yesterday in class I got to try creating some 3D acrylic flowers. I will say now that I am still learning and they'll get better. Don't judge me too harshly!

The one on the right is my first flower.

On the left I tried to create a different type of flower. Started off with all white acrylic polymer powder and gradually worked my way into using colored polymer powders.

I think I like the pink with the white in the center. Added small yellow spheres to the center of a few of the flowers.

I will say that the white with the yellow in the center is my FAVORITE flower of the day! It looks just like a plumeria!!

I'll show my progress as time goes on.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cleaning The Car

Evening everyone,

Few days ago I wasn't feeling too good so I popped some meds and took a few naps. I have actually been feeling exhausted for the last week or two. Surprisingly when I got home today I was full of energy! Not like bouncing off the walls energy but I can actually get stuff done energy. You get me? So since the car I borrow from the parentals is all dirty I decided to clean it up!

The baby got upset when I left her inside so I let her sit in the car while I cleaned.

Started at 2:00 pm. Wiped the dashboard, seats, doors, just about everything. I scrubbed the doors, pedals, seats, etc. Shook out the rugs and vacuumed them. Look at that! You guys see the difference right?

That's the little brush I used to scrub scrub scrub the dirt away. Nasty . . .

Looking at my dirty hand print on this wipe is oddly satisfying. Gross, but it's all clean now!

The baby moved to the front seat because she was starting to get lonely chilling in the back by herself.

Finally finished at 4:00 pm! Took me 2 hours! I was also worried the car smells. I should shampoo the carpets, but I honestly don't know how to do that. At least it's in better shape than it was yesterday!


The Flower Fields

Hi friends,

Last time I saw Schatzi was three weeks ago. Pretty recent actually if you look back at the old posts. I wanted to go to the Flower Fields. It's not something that he wanted to do but of course he agreed to go because I wanted to go. My dad and I headed down there at 7 to pick up Schatzi. Prior to going on this trip I felt it would go one of two ways. 1. I get there look at it comment on how pretty it is then ask now what? 2. Be amazed at how pretty it is, take tons of photos, stare at flowers. Made it to the Flower Fields and it was like the Grand Canyon but not so grand . . . lol It's cool to see all the flowers in rows and colors, but nothing more to it than that.

As Schatzi and I made our way up the path we saw an Asian lady get busted for walking in the non designated area! BUSTED! I think I found it to be funnier than it actually was. She said sorry a bunch of times before gathering her purse and returning to the path. Speaking of Asians, Schatzi and I had previously discussed the idea of me looking like the typical tourist. Big hat. Striped shirt. Camera around the neck. I should've taken my camera, but I've gotten so used to using my iPhone! As we walked through the parking lot we saw a good amount of Asians with their big hats, visors, striped shirts, big cameras round their necks, and someone had a fanny pack. I thought I had stayed away from the tourist look until Schatzi so kindly pointed out my striped shirt -.- I couldn't hep but laugh at myself though. I will admit the beginning was getting boring and Schatzi suggested we run down the rows of the flowers and see how far we can get. I was not about to get kicked out immediately after we got in. The more I thought about running through the rows the more fun it sounded. Is that odd?

I read the pamphlet and we realized the flowers are all the same flower just in different colors. Not terribly impressive. To make the event not so boring I decided we would try to find flowers that are in the wrong section. Pink, purple, red? White in the purple?

Y'all know how strange I can be right? Well as Schatzi and I walked down the side of the flowers we saw a bunch of dead flowers to the right. Of course I stood there are stared at the dead stuff for a good five ten minutes. Schatzi said something about how weird I am. Paid to look at a bunch of the same flowers yet I stand there and look at the dead stuff. Yup, that's me!

This lil guy was probably my favorite. Hard call though. (Sorry guys I'm having trouble with the layout of the photos and text.)

Look at my awesome photograph of this busy bee! I can't believe I took this photo. The colors are soft but bright and the placement of the flowers and bee are perfect!

You guys know Schatzi and I couldn't go the whole outing without being immature. There was a portion labeled with various types of flowers. He saw this one and proceeded to call me Europeana. And of course I, being the lame one, saw this sign and called him this. .  .

We went through the little maze they had set up there and we may have cheated. Just sayin'! While we were in the maze this little boy started talking to Schatzi about how he's trying to find his way out. I love when I get to see Schatzi interact with children. Is that weird? He's just so natural. Puts a huge smile on my face.

Kinda wish we had ran through the fields to see who could get farthest and then, ya know, get kicked out. Don't know if I would choose to go again, but if I did I would go towards the beginning of the season.

Thanks for reading!


NAILPRO Nails 2015

Hey guys,

A few weekends ago I attended the NAILPRO show in Pasadena. These are my nails that I chose to do to get ready for the show!

Thumb: gunmetal grey with black lines and a silver diamond stud

Pointer: black with dark grey glitter design

Middle: black with handmade (by me) nail charm consisting of gunmetal grey star and grey Swarovski crystal

Ring: half dark grey glitter, half gunmetal grey accented with black round metal studs and silver mini pointed studs

Pinky: dark grey glitter over black

Think this may be my favorite set of designs I have ever done. Sadly my nails can't have any special 3D designs due to where I work. I get the charms and the spikes, but flat studs and rhinestones?