Friday, November 29, 2013

Gimme A Break, Break Me Off A Piece Of That ______ ___!


Was up around 8am to get that shoppin done! Right before we left the clouds decided it would be a good time to cry down on us. Luckily we just went to the mall, so we were indoors. 

If any of you friends are YouTube watchers, you would know it has been sweater season for quite some time now. I am not normally a fan of sweaters because of the tightish sleeves or scratchy feeling, but guess who bought some sweaters? I have been in a sweatery mood. That sounds normal and all right? The thing is that I have like two sweaters lol So my aunt and I walked the whole mall in about 2 hours. 

Here's my small loot! 

Let's start on the left side. The owl sweater was $17.99 from Papaya. The lips sweater was $27.80 from Forever 21. Lastly the star sweater, which is actually a shade of darker blue in person, was $22.80 from Forever 21 as well. What really sucks is that Forever 21 was having a sweater sale for one day like three days ago. I could have saved, but at least I used up my leftover gift cards.
I've mentioned to Sarah that I want a different kind of sneaker and I found an awesome pair at Forever 21!! The problem is what now? Well for starters they were $36! Second, they were size six. Only half a size too big, but I could have worked with it for sure. Click here to check em out.

The last two things I got were these two accessories. I found the necklace on the 50% off wall. Sounds like a good deal till I saw the price was $54, original price. It was the last one, and the last time a pair of earrings caught my eye I walked away for a second and when I decided I'd buy em, someone else took em (Right Sarah?). So I held the necklace as I scanned the rest of the store. My friend told me to only get it if I don't feel like a princess wearing it, I don't need it. I didn't feel like a princess, but I really really liked it! The cashier told me that my total was $29.16 and if I spent $30 I could get a free item. My aunt was looking to buy a few hair accessories so I bought hers with mine and got the cute little crown beret for free.

After the mall we came home and I had one of these lovely KitKats my aunt brought home from Japan. Didn't even know there was such a wide variety of KitKats! I mean, did you know half of these existed?

Think I will be doing a bit more shopping today, but for now we taking a break.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Glad to be home after how many weeks of straight UCSD? Helped mom in the kitchen today, well I tried to help some. Here's the before picture of the lovely bird. Mom decided to rub it with butter this time instead of melted butter. Looks kind of odd but just wait till you see after pictures!

While waiting for the turkey to cook and all that, I had a chocolate. Isn't it cute? My brother got it from his girlfriend's family. Not my favorite kind, but I love the sugar turkey on top!!

After many hours of prepping and cooking this is my mom's final result. Isn't it gorgeous?! Lots of yummy foods! We had turkey, stuffing, veggies, rolls, wontons, mashed potatoes, peach melba jello, sweet potato, salad, and pies. 

Told you that the after picture would be better! I think this may have been the first Thanksgiving I ate some of the skin too!

Veggies, yams, and stuffing. All homemade!

Can you believe this is made of jello? I normally decorate this every year, but my brother and aunt did it instead. Tasted amazing as always though!

This is my annual(ish) Thanksgiving creation. I gut out a cheese roll, spread homemade cranberry sauce on one half, mashed potato on the other side, and finish it off with shredded turkey! Thanksgiving in a simple sandwich form!

Who's going Black Friday shopping tomorrow?? My aunt and I am going to go out to tackle the crowds tomorrow! We don't wait outside stores or anything crazy. We kind of just take our time and look for some good deals. If you go out tomorrow, stay safe!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!

P.S. If you have yet to see the Google video, go to the Google sight and watch it!!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Traveling

Evening everyone,

Today is the first time I took the train home from UCSD. Remember Dory? Well she's the pro when it comes to the train, so I was her shadow for half the day. Our plan was to get on the bus that would lead us to the train station. I got out of class early so Dory and I went to the stop closest to ERC. By the time we got there we figured we missed that bus, so we trekked our way to the next bus stop. Guess what passed us by? The bus we needed to get on passed us, flashing "BUS FULL" Luckily we met a nice gentleman that told us we could take one of the campus shuttles to a coaster station and take that to the train station. We waited with the gentleman (did I mention all the other kids followed us?) for the shuttle. Shuttle came and it took us to the Coaster station. Did you know the shuttle goes on the freeway?? Well, I had no idea lol

I didn't know if the Coaster was like a bus, train, trolley, etc. Turns out it was a train that ran on the same track as the Amtrack! He told us we could try to sneak on, as in not buy a ticket, or buy a ticket. Dory and I decided we would be good samaritans and purchase tickets. Didn't expect it to be $5, but it was better than missing our train. Had to use my debit card though.

This is proof we were in Serranto Valley! We were only waiting for maybe 10-15 minutes.

There's the Coaster! It was very nice inside, and QUIET!

Beautiful right?

Got to the Amtrack station with 20 minutes to spare. That was BEFORE we found out that the train was running LATE! I think it was 20 minutes late and packed full of people. Dory was getting all ready to fight her way, or as I said "throw them elbows"  >.<  The train stopped and Dory was on the train before I even got half way to the door! I was waiting to get on and I saw her through the window in the snack room car. Had to put my suite case in the top level so the guy on the train wouldn't get mad at me. Since I am on the smaller side, I asked a fellow student to assist me in throwing my luggage up on the shelf. Dory and I stayed in the snack room the whole ride! Here's a bit of the view from the train window, enjoy!

Now I am home. Helped a tad in the kitchen. Did some homework, not to mention that math homework is due NEXT Sunday!! Bed in a while. Can't wait to feel the floor in the shower!

Shout out: Happy Birthday Sarah!!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seals & Sunset

Evening everyone!

Just got back from a quick trip to the beach and thought I would share some of my photos with you. My friend picked me up and we went to see the sunset. Sadly, the clouds were kind of in the way, well they were in the way, but it was still really nice. Yesterday my friend and I were talking about fruits, and when we were at the beach he pulled out a glass tupperware with fruits all cut up. I had mango!! (Y'all that have been reading the blog know how crazy I am about mango stuffs!) I thought we were going to go to study as well as watch the sunset, but turns out he's leaving this evening to go home. I am not a fan of sand, so I really appreciated the moment when he took a towel out of his bag! I wore tennis shoes so my cut on my foot wouldn't get infected.

Longish story short, I was attacked by a stick while I was
rushing to my math class the other day. When I felt the stick
stab my foot I told my self not to look down or around, in hopes
that nobody saw my epic failure. Didn't bleed much though!

Back to the beach . . . From where we sat, we could see seals playing in the water. I am not the best when it comes to measuring distance, but I will say that the seals were 16 yards away from us. They were so adorable!! Sorry there aren't any seal pictures. You probably thought you would see some due to the misleading title, but the pictures wouldn't have turned out right. Makes me want to hurry up and learn how to scuba dive!

Now I have to read for MMW class :( 

Good news I get to see my baby tomorrow!!

Hope you guys enjoyed the photos!!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wink -.~

Hey there,

This past week there was a TOMS booth near sungod lawn. Not so interested in TOMS, but I saw Wink! Maybe a year ago I discovered Wink cards at Target, and fell in love with the adorableness. So I waddled on over to the table and grabbed a few postcards.

Started Ch 9 in my chem class on Wednesday. I think atleast 20 people were absent that day so my teacher decided to give us a free iClicker participation point. Then on top of that she gave us an extra credit question. Out of the six parts I got four right on my own! So proud of myself, then she let us all click in for the extra credit points.

Oh after the UTC run yesterday I saw this little bit of rainbow peeking at me from behind the building.

Lately the sunsets have been very colorful. Sent a similar picture to my mom a few days ago, then my brother called saying him and my mom were just looking at the sunset. I stood outside for a good amount of time just watching the sunset. Not to mention Sarah locking me outside on the balcony!! She eventually let me back in though. Was freezing!


Balboa Park & Whitney Cummings

Hi friends,

Soooo instead of going home last weekend, I went to Balboa park with a friend from ASL class. Long story short, the guy that picked me up is 26, my friends were all worried about me, but I didn't get any bad vibes from him. Bob's roommate even made me take pepper spray just in case. He picked me up and took me to The Museum of Man so I could do my extra credit for my MMW class. For those of you that have never been to Balboa Park NEED to go! The traffic is kind of meh, but it is so gorgeous!! I think I had my mouth open looking out the window for half the time before we parked. Back where I live the parks are just a field, a sad looking play ground, maybe a baseball field, and a few benches. This park was a real park, kind of like my ideal park in my imagination. There were rose gardens, fountains, statues, fields, trees, food vendors, ponds, etc. Oh and plus all the buildings reminded me of the buildings in DC area.

Leme share some of my photos with yalls:

This is what you see when you first walk in.

Aren't these hat things adorable? Well apparently some parents thought these were really cute and made their children wear them.

Does this couple look happy? I mean I think they should have had huge smiles on their faces on their wedding day.

From across the street.

Isn't this interesting? It's showing how much DNA we have in common with a banana.

Maybe every time we eat a banana we partake in a type of cannibalism O.O Think about it next time you indulge in some B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Can you imagine creating this by hand thousands of years ago? I couldn't, but that's probably because I am afraid of getting splinters lol

The lovely shrunken heads. After looking at this picture, kind of looks like my head is one of the shrunken heads . . . It's just the glass though!!

When you first look at this, what comes to mind? I thought of It's A Small World at Disneyland! Can't you just see them singing to you?!?

After the museum, we went to his house to chill till it was time to leave to the theater. He's a really nice guy, nothing to worry about. He was in the military right after high school, jic you were wondering why he is his age. Left early and took a cab to the Gaslamp District. He was surprised I had never heard of the Gaslamp District. It was very crowded, the traffic reminded me of LA traffic, and almost everyone was smoking. It may seem like I didn't like the environment, but I liked it.

We walked around a bit then went into the theater. Walking through the doors, I felt my body fill with excitement. Don't remember the last time I was in such a beautiful dramatic theater. Sorry for the bad picture lol You get the idea though right? (*Just say yes)

It was my first time seeing a comedian and I absolutely LOVED it. College is stressful, and always on my mind so being able to have a break was amazing. I needed this time for myself and I don't think I could thank him enough for what he did for me.

So about the comedian, she was hilarious. To be honest I had to look her up before accepting my friends invite. I mean why would I go if she talked about politics or something, I would have been so lost! Turns out she talks about relationships and love. Check her out here. Maybe this is what my life is missing lol I need to listen to stand up comedians more. I really want to go see more stand up comedians!

After the show he made me choose a place to eat. He said he had to feed me before he took me back to school. Ate at a Mexican restaurant, of course I had my usual. Took a cab back to his place and he dropped me off at school.

The thing is that I wanted to pay for his ticket for the museum since he was doing me a favor, but he wouldn't let me pay. Then I wanted to pay for dinner since he paid for the ticket, but did he let me? Nope. I did pay for $10 of the cab price, but he gave me a $20 -.- I gave it back to him, but he said he would find a way to give it back to me. When he dropped me off I told him don't worry bout the $10. As I walked to the stairs I heard him yell for me to check between the tickets, that he asked me to hold in my purse. Guess what I saw, yes I saw the $20 bill.

So I got a free ride to the museum, a free dinner, a free ticket, and a great night out


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Chem & Math Midterm 2

Evening everyone,

Started my day at 7:30ish with my Chem midterm still haunting me. Wasn't in the mood to eat food food, so I ate the triangular piece of Toblerone that Sarah had given me the night before, changed, and went on my merry way to York Hall. Bob and I always seem to have random songs stuck in out heads for a few days, this time I had Popular in my head. (Click here if you want to see/hear what I am talking/typing about. I seem to be obsessed with the music video. I also just LOVE Ariana Grande!)

Just like the previous Chem midterm, tests were to be handed out starting at the back of the classroom. So I walked directly to the front of the room, dropped off my bag, and found a seat in the second to last row in the back. Not too bad right? Remember how horrible my last Chem midterm experience was? (If not, click here to read about it!) Decided I would try to go into this test with a calmer mind. I mean it kind of worked. I didn't shake, or read the clock wrong, or even run out of time. Then again, this test had less math problems and more "drawing" problems. I will admit that I tensed up during the test. Not as bad as last time, but still bad. I tried to sit/look up and I felt an excruciating pain in my lower back, shoulders, neck, etc. I bet anyone looking got weirded out at the funny faces I must have been making lol I mean wouldn't you?

I finished the MC in less than an hour, and moved on to face the five pages of free response. Quite intimidating! Page by page I worked my way through without skipping parts.

Then I reached the second to last page O.O I tried to solve part b for about 10 minutes and told myself I had to move on and come back to finish it off later. Finished the fifth page, and returned to the fourth. I drew out these two isomers below. I got that part, but I had to find two resonance structures for each. I went back and forth, drawing all sorts of diagrams. I just couldn't seem to come up with a logical answer. It wouldn't have been too big a deal, but part c asked for me to find the formal charges on all 4 of the resonance structures. So obviously I couldn't do part c without first completing part b. That's when I realized I was pooped. I tried and tried, but still couldn't get anywhere. In the end I just drew a few and calculated the formal charges in hopes that I would be awarded at least 4 out of the ten points possible.

This was my crazy crib card . . .

Not a fun way to start the day, so I walked back to the dorm, well Cafe V for some fruits. Got my some pineapple, watermelon, and cantaloupe. Can you believe Sarah, who went to bed before me, was barely waking up!? Ate my fruit and cinnamon rolls while Sarah got herself ready. Guess where we went!

We finally went to the mall to go shoppin!! Since the weather is getting cooler, I have the urge to go out and buy a bunch of sweaters. That's normal for most girls right? . . Got a really interestingly poofy, soft black sweater thing, a necklace, some foods, and a new bra to try out. When we got back I put on my black sweater and I was instantly filled with joy. I'm not sure what was so magical about the sweater, but I love it. Almost didn't buy it though, because it was $20 and I really didn't need it. Glad I talked myself into buying it though!!

Now back to studying :/ School never ends when you're in college. Sometimes I forget I go to college though lol Then I wake up to reality. Hope to sleep in!!

Night you guys,


Monday, November 18, 2013

Goodie Bag!

Hey there,

Yes I am still alive, or at least physically. Been quite busy with school work and the time I do have left over I just don't have the energy to write a blog. I mean I don't even have the energy to sit and watch my youtube subscriptions! That's when you know I am tired.

Here's a little post bout a few things from maybe two weeks ago?

This is what I got in my goodie bag. If you can't see, I think there is a reusable bag, can sleeve, coupons, paper, snacks, and a pencil. I am not sure why but even though it's nothing significant, I got so excited about it!

Every Tuesday there is a farmer's market and I decided to try a new booth. It was a totally different booth but it looks like I kept to my usual tomato, cheese, and basil lol People that know me know I have some issues with new foods because I am just so darn picky! I just can't help it, and that's what helps make me unique, right?

It was some sort of dough with cheese, tomato, and basil then deep fried. I have problems with a lot of cheese so I pulled some of it out. (There is one special case where the amount of cheese is outrageous in most normal people's eyes. Can you guess it? Leave a comment!)

Remember that plaid shirt I got for cheap? Well Bob and I met for breakfast and look at what we wore!! We were twinsies lol Sarah took this lovely picture for us. Bob has problems with saggy pants so she tried pulling up her pants and I thought I would pull mine up just in case, and this is the picture we got -.- Sarah took a few others but this one is just so us that I had to choose this one!

SJ came to visit me (last last week?)! Surprised me by coming down on Thursday so I took him out to the Bistro in the village. Turns out that the Bistro is packed at night, unlike its normal desertedness when Bob, Sarah, Dory, and I go. I think some people were laughing at me taking pictures of my food. I got kind of embarrassed, but you know what? I was doing it for a good cause, not just some silly popular social media!

Sorry for the absence of writing, but I have to go do some studying. Then some homework. Then maybe dinner. Then more studying. Then more homework. Yaaaay!!! . . . not really.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fallen Star

Hey there,
view from the walkway

I think last week Bob, Sarah, and I went to Fallen Star at UCSD. Let me tell you that you will feel really crazy/dizzy in that house! Here's some cool pixs.

The view from the window was making me a bit queasy. 
These were Sarah's fav part I think. Aren't they gorg?!?!

This picture looks like I just had major issues holding the camera level, but I actually held it very straight. Crazy right?? I think my grandpa would have enjoyed visiting Fallen Star.

The thing about Fallen Star is that it is only open twice a week for a few times a day!

Will have to go again before end of the quarter though.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Cliffs

Happy Saturday!

Before we went to bed last night, Bob, Sarah, my roomie, and I went to the popular cliffs. Real quick, Bob signed me up to go to the Day of the Dead Celebration. It ended an hour after my last class, so we went kinda late. The foodies and drink were almost all gone so we had to be happy with marshmallows. Oh and the mariachi band music.

What was I typing about? Oh yeah, the cliffs! It was a beautiful walk down to the cliffs. The ground started to get really bumpy and uneven, but I managed to get to where I needed to. Sarah and my roomie on the other hand had a bit of a problem with the ground  >.< This is my failed attempt to squish the sun lol It's not as easy as I thought it would be.

Here's a few other pictures and video for you guys to enjoy!

I tried to catch the sun setting, sorry it's kind of hard to see

It was such a breath taking view. Oh and sorry bout the odd ordering of the vids/pics. I think I will go visit there again. Would you guys go?

Bob and I stayed up till 3 am. Bob wanted to watch a movie so I said fine. We wanted to sit in her room, but Dory was sleeping, one of my roomies were going to bed, then the common room was occupied, the balcony across the way had smokers and drinkers, so we settled with sitting near the elevator. I am kinda glad we sat there, cuz the RAs on duty, a police officer, and campus security came to the suite across the way. All this because the people across the way were drinking and smoking. The students were asked to get their IDs out and sit in their common room. Bob and I heard one of the people call someone and report all the ID numbers. One by one the students came out of the suite and were ordered to walk down the stairs. One kid, that didn't even live there, had a large amount of alcohol, prob vodka. He was taken for a detox, not for jail.

It shouldn't have been so interesting, but it was. If I were them I would have been so scared. Not sure what became of them all, but I did get half way through the Adams Family!

What a day? I forgot to tell you guys, I also took 2 ASL quizzes that day along with a MMW midterm. That midterm was crazy! I mean had two essay qs, seven or so because questions, and maybe fifty or so multiple choice. All that in only 50 mins! Cool thing is that my prof put times on the test sections so we could see if we were on track.

So glad midterms are done!!! Now have to worry about the next set of em.