Monday, July 15, 2013


Hey there,

It has been a very long time since I have slept over my cousin's house. We slept in and went to Petsmart to get some things for Blue, her new fish. Lunch I made a grilled cheese that we shared and we had left over cake from the birthday celebration. A while back my family gave my cousin some cute Japanese mini baking packages. She still had one left so I told her I would help her make it. Here is a picture of what we made. It was very quick simple to make. She did a good job when it came to staying in the lines for the design too. If you want to see a video for this specific package click this: The cake itself tasted like chocolate and eggs. The important thing is that we had fun making it. Especially watching it poof up in the microwave.

I love DIY bracelet kits. My cousin had this Glossy Bands kit so we made a few bracelets. The two on the bottom are ones that she made and I am wearing the one that I made. The bracelets are similar to 3D puffy paint. The kit comes with four bottles of different colored gel. To make each bracelet we squeezed the bottle of our choice to make small dots on the plastic pieces then used a toothpick to create a design. The material adheres to itself which prevents the bracelet from falling off. Awesome concept.

She wanted to play slip and slide today but I didn't think it was hot enough to play. Instead we played some wii. We did Just Dance and wii party. She gets so into it that she accidentally hits herself. I will admit that I have done that a few times as well.. My cousin got too hot playing wii so we switched over to other games. We played Guess Who I am? It is similar to the game Headbands, if you have played that game. If you have not played either of the games I recommend playing one of the two. Here are all of the different things she and I were.

After that we played Operation, Slap Jack, and Mastermind while drinking our smoothies her mom made for us. Mine is in the cute Hello Kitty cup. I won Operation, she won Slap Jack, and we both did well when it came to Mastermind. I think that my diet is almost officially out the window because we had fruit, cake, candy, bread, pizza, and drumstick ice cream. It was all very good though. I need to try to get back on track on Monday.

I should have been in bed a while ago so I will see you all tomorrow.



  1. Reading about your sleepover made me realize that we never actually had one! We definitely need to plan one the next time we see each other.

    1. We really need to do a sleepover. For sure. Either way one of us prob has to get on a plane to get to the other's house. It will be a ton of fun though
