Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hey there,

Have you ever had that feeling where you NEED not want or need but NEED to eat a certain food? I woke up this morning feeling that way. I have been thinking about cinnamon rolls all day long. Sadly we do not have any in the house so I had oatmeal and half a smoothie for breakfast. Whenever I open a banana I open it like a monkey does. I pinch the bottom of the banana and pull it open, but today I tried to open it from the top and this is what happened. After I was done showing my brother what happened I threw the banana into the blender along with some blueberries, strawberries, milk, and a bit of ice cream. Since my brother didn't want any I saved half to accompany tomorrow's breakfast.

I feel like most kids get excited when they find mail addressed to them in their mailbox. Although I am not a kid any more I still get overly excited about receiving mail. Don't think I should jump with joy when I find an envelope with my name on it, but I still do. Today I found three pieces of mail addressed to me. I got an interesting invitation to a customer appreciation celebration at Daniel's Jewlers. I kind of want to go because they are holding a drawing and the winner gets a one carat diamond ring. Plus there is free food and drink! The best piece of mail was from American Eagle. I love the design. On the back it said my name and all that jazz. The front looks like this. When I opened it up I found a card saying my name and thanking me for being a rewards customer. I found another card that said $10. Unlike most cards this one does not require me to spend a specific amount of money to get the $10 off. I can simply go to the store and get $10 worth of free something. I know that their clothes aren't exactly cheap but hey it is practically a free $10. After I told SJ and my family what I got in the mail my mood was abruptly shoved to the other end of the spectrum. My dad told me that the American Eagle nearest my home was shut down. I didn't even know that! I was looking forward to taking the 15 minute drive over to American Eagle to spend my gift. Guess I will just have to wait till I visit a mall..sad face.

Now back to the cinnamon rolls lol I can't stop thinking about them! Then I started to crave this mouthwatering heavenly cheesecake flan I made months ago. It was a huge hit with friends and family. I need to go to the store and buy me some ingredients. The only problem is that it IS summer and the house is hot enough as it is. No need to add in heat from the oven. If the cravings get strong enough maybe the heat isn't such a hard price to pay. Don't they look yummyful?

Hopefully I either buy or bake some cinnamon rolls tomorrow. I can taste em already!



  1. Your cinnamon roll pix looks like the cinnamon roll is drowning in icing! Lol Go find a Cinnabon (sp?) at the mall, wait are those still around or have they closed down like your American Eagle? :0P

  2. Idk if i really lik the cinnabon tho. i think it was ok but not super amazing. i love icing! Moms been wanting to make some too so we may both mak nd c whos is better

  3. mmm cinnamon rolls sound amazing right now...and your cheesecake flan...

    LOL I understood your first sentence but I had to stop and think for a second.
