Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just Dance!

Hello my lovely readers,

I wanted to post this last night but I was so exhausted. SJ came by the house at 10pm. I told him that if he came by he had to dance. A weird thing to say right? I know lol My cousin loves the Just Dance wii games and since my brother and I have been trying to workout more I asked if I could borrow one of her games. She lent me the Just Dance 3 game. My brother and I started to play the game but he didn't like it very much. He literally asked me if he could just lift weights instead of dancing. I told him he had to get a score of 3 stars on a song then he could go lift weights. After two songs he got 3 stars so I let him ditch dancing to "lift" weights. He sat on the couch watching while holding his weights. SJ arrived shortly after my brother scored 3 stars. I didn't know that SJ had never played the Just Dance games. We had so much fun dancing to like 4-6 songs. He got tired after a while so we stopped. I must admit that playing that game makes you sweat. Maybe I will just do 20 songs a day or an hour a day for workout. We shall see..

I fell asleep at around 2am and got up around 8am maybe. My mom wanted my brother and I to take her car to the car wash since it's all dusty and dirty. I am new to the whole take a car to the car wash so I am so clueless. We pulled up and I was like should I move more forward? Is he going to come to the car? Should I get out and go to him? Do I leave the car on or should I not? Why must it be so complex? It probably isn't. Just me being me. I have issues when parking my moms car. Before you think it, no it is not because I am a FEMALE or ASIAN! I am just terrified of scratching my mother's car. When the car was getting dried I kept telling my brother that I hope that the car in front of us is done before ours because they park the cars so darn close to each other. What do you know?! They called us over before the car in front of us was done. In my mind I was like NOOOOOOOOOO...I don't need people thinking I am so incapable or laugh at me if I wait for the car in front of me to be done. Luckily one of the workers kindly helped me back up and pull out of the lines of cars.

After maneuvering our way out of the car wash area we headed over to a local bakery to pick up a cake we ordered for the birthday celebration for this evening. All the parking in front of the bakery is usually occupied but we found 2 spots! I do have problems parking to the right though...and the spots were to our right... I did an awesome job parking though! Right in the middle of 2 big cars too!

Just wanted to post this before we go to our buffet dinner. I will update you all later.



  1. Just FYI I personally think that it is a "FEMALE" & "ASIAN" thing. I have been driving for almost 28 years & still I have issues with judging distances. But the car looks good & smells good too. Can't wait for the yummy cake tonite! :0P

  2. Lol your brother is so funny.
    Good job with all the driving. I don't have the skills that you do to park in the middle of two big cars.
