Saturday, February 15, 2014

First Valentine's Day In College

Evening Everyone!

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!!

Remember how Bob and I went to Wallgreens last weekend? Well we got Valentine's to hand out! I chose Phineas and Ferb ones, Bob got Harry Potter ones. At the time of purchase we thought it would be a good idea to hand them out to random people. The day before is when we started to reconsider. I sat on the common room floor and wrote out the cards.

Wasn't sure what to write at first, but figured ALG is me so why not. Later in math class Bob wrote my blog url on the bottom of the cards. Bob wrote pickup lines on the to portion and Bob on the from portion of the cards. She put so much effort into hers though. I helped her put the stickers into the slots on each card, then taped a chocolate to each, and finally a heart sticker to close em. Crazy right? Hope the people that found her cards were happy. Neither of us were courageous enough to physically hand em out to people so she taped her cards to desks and I put mine on bathroom mirrors and such.

I didn't have a ton of time, but this past week I wanted to do my nails. You guys know how I often only paint one hand? Well I did it again! This is the first time I filed them into points though.

As some girls do, I was debating on what to wear. The week leading up to the day I was contemplating a dress, then the weather got cold. I am a huge fan of thrifting and found a hoodie for $3 to wear for V Day. Then the day before V Day turned out to be hot so I went back to the dress idea. I don't like to wear tops that show my back so I had to find something somewhat stylish to wear over it. Got this Forever 21 white vest for $5 and tied it instead of buttoning it up. I think it turned out pretty cute on. The shoes I got on sale at Payless many months back, and the dress (which my mom had to convince me to get) is from Khol's. Schatzi just told me he didn't recognize me. You guys know how my go to outfit is jeans, slipper and a hoodie? Well turns out that's what he was expecting to see lol and I ended up getting all dressed up with my hair half did and a bit of makeup to top it off.

Since I couldn't go home for the weekend, my mom and grandma mailed me Valentine's Day gifts. Grandma sent a nice card along with some foodies to share. My mom got me foodies, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, window decals, and soft pj pants (which I am currently wearing)! Also scarfed down one of the chestnut baggies . . .

Thursday night I met a friend at Price Center just to talk. He told me bout stuff going on in his life and then we chatted about school stuffs while I drank my mango snow bubble with boba and star shaped mango jellies. Since it was late he walked me back to the dorm, stopped at Goodie's on the way. It's cute, he texted me "Also since it comes once a year, I want to give you something. Nothing too much but just a friendly happy valentines day chocolate." Then Friday we met up real quick so he could give me my chocolate. Like the sparkles on the box and the chocolates weren't bad.

I had a few options for V Day, and in the end I chose to go to Schatzi's apartment (oh by the way Schatzi is the nickname for my friend from the Balboa post). My family and I used to have a special Valentine's Day dinner of heart shaped pizza, ravioli, salad, and cheesecake. So since I wasn't home I thought I would incorporate at least a heart shaped something into my dinner. That's the result! Heart shaped rice with veggie curry sauce.

It's not surprising that I did some homework right? But since it wasn't just any day I stopped homework at 7 pm. Schatzi went to shower and told me to answer the door if it rang. I knew he was having something delivered for me, but wasn't sure what to expect. He got out of the shower ten minutes or so before the door rang. Yup, those are the flowers he had delivered. Aren't they beautiful? He didn't plan his showering right lol I realized that this is the first time I have been given a bouquet of roses! The first time and not just a dozen! He was telling me he was wanting to get blueish purple roses instead because he knows I am not fond of the color red, but we both agreed that red are more romantic in feel.

He gets the feeling that I don't like them, but I do. Before going to his house I specifically told him NO gifts or anything. He's told me before that he doesn't celebrate it and it's not a real holiday. He says that he doesn't need it to be a day specifically marked to give flowers or gifts. If he wants to do it, he will do it when he wants. Which is cool, different way of thinking than what I've heard. This is the note that was attached to the flowers. He likes to remind me that I "can't" tell him what to do lol

Did a blog post, then we watched Tangled since it's one of his preferred Disney movies. Plus we were talking about it during the week and one of the songs got stuck in my head! Wana know something? My friend from middle school said Rapunzel reminded him of me. Do you guys see that or is it just him being crazy? I think he was specifically referring to the scene where she is going back and forth about what her mother will think/do about her leaving the tower. Regardless, great movie!

I think I forgot to mention that SJ and I broke up back in December (20). I was supposed to do a post about that as a
way to bring closure to the turn of events, but haven't gotten to it yet. Hope he enjoyed his first V Day being single as much as I did.

Before I end this, I have a message for Schatzi: Thank you for making my Valentine's Day so much fun. I am glad you didn't get me chocolates! The roses made me feel rather special, especially on the way back to my dorm. Looking at them now reminds me of Beauty and the Beast (which just so happens to be one of my favorite Disney movies). Whether you believe me or not, I will say that this is definitely a Valentine's Day I won't forget. Even with my memory >.<



  1. Nice roses! Glad you had a fun and memorable Valentine's Day.

  2. Nice Valentine's Day! Lol, that was so romantic! I think red roses suit you better on this specific day. Any other day, it'd be bluish purple roses.

    1. It was very nice and relaxed too. I agree. Altho dont know if ive seen blueish purple was ur vday T?

  3. Haha, Vday was like any other day for me. I even forgot that it was Vday :p
