Monday, September 9, 2013

Mom's B-day Celebration Dinner

Hello again!

My mom's bday isn't for a while, but we decided to celebrate with family and friends this past Saturday! She chose the restaurant El Torito Grill. SJ and I drove in the Lexus so that my mom could have a pretty alcoholic beverage to celebrate. Since I was driving I put SJ in charge of the music on my ipod. For some reason I just didn't feel like listening to the car radio. Have any of you guys had that feeling? It's so funny and sad at the same time because after listening to the first like 3 seconds of a song I tell him next! He had to skip through quite a few before I got to some good ones. Bummed me out when he said his music on the way back because I like my music.

Dinner was interesting . . . We were a group of 14 total so we kind of filled up the whole waiting area. I can't stand rude workers. The hostess came over to my mom and asked if we wanted to be seated as soon as possible or 10 minutes later to be spot on with our 6pm reservation. I just don't see the logic in that. If she wasn't sure if all of us were there yet, she could have counted or asked if everyone was present. It may have just been my perception, but the hostess seemed very unfriendly, not very personable, in a grumpy mood, and like she El Torito was the last place she wanted to be. Turns out we didn't even get seated right away. We didn't even get seated at 6pm. When she was ready to take up to our table she walked by us all muttering party of 14. She did not say hi, sorry about the wait, how are you doing, nothing. Plus she was a good six feet ahead of us. In my opinion, hostesses should be friendly and pleasant. So I decided I would let her know I was not pleased. I didn't come right out and tell her that I thought she was rude. I talked to her off to the side and quietly asked if she was new. The look on her face was priceless. I mean I look like I am as young as 14 sometimes so for me to tell her that . . . Of course she responded no and after taking in what just occurred she asked if there was something I needed. Told her no it's okay. As if this wasn't enough, we were expected to slit our party in half and sit at two different tables. Let's just say that my mom was not content with this idea. They moved us all back to the waiting area so they could combine the tables.

Dinner was enjoyable. I sat between SJ and my cousin. Normally my cousin is a handful because she is always hanging on me or hugging me or poking me, etc. This time I had it happening on both sides of me. SJ is a young adult and he was acting like my little cousin who happens to be like over 7 years younger than I am. I found the rice to be the most peculiar item on the plates. SJ ordered this lobster quesadilla. Look at the rice, it's green!! I was hesitant to try it, but it was flavorful and yummy!

This is my mom's bday cake. Not the exact one she wanted, but it is still cute and festive!

Overall I think that everyone had a great time. I know that everyone laughed at least once because the servers put some strange napkin thing on my mom's head for her bday. It was hilarious!



  1. That quesadilla looks good! I am sure his music was not that bad. Seems like you had a good time and I am happy for you =]

    1. true your music could have been worse. we just have diff tastes
