Monday, September 30, 2013

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2

Morning everyone,

Yesterday was my last day, well more like half day, at home. I slept in a bit and went to get SJ. Plus I wanted to visit his new baby kitty. I think he/she is adorable!! It fell asleep on my leg while I was petting behind its ear. When it purrs it is too cute! Too bad when I next visit, he/she will be bigger.

I have been waiting a very long time to watch Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. Luckily my brother wanted to see is so the whole family and SJ got to go see it. I think it is all the colors and animation that attracts me to this movie.

After the movie I had to pack so I could return to college. Living at home makes me feel like I am in a whole different world. It makes me forget I have to go to college and that I'm not a little kid anymore. As we were leaving I started to feel a little sad again. Not too much though. In the car I felt like I was just going to the mall or like to visit a family member. Then when we got to school my body realized nope it's not a bad dream; it is reality. Made tofu with soy sauce and sugar for dinner. Found out I had to read like 18 pages for my MMW class and do some reading for ASL. ASL was a breeze because we learned it in class and I enjoy ASL so much for some reason. MMW took me quite a while due to my note taking. Eventually got to bed shortly after 12. Miss sleeping with my baby

Leaving for class in 10,