Monday, September 23, 2013



So after getting back from UTC, Bhong came to my dorm to help me find all my classes. We walked across campus and all in between. My feet are sore and my shins were getting sore too. Sadly I couldn't go to the bookstore because it was closed. I have to go to the bookstore as well as the gym tomorrow. Bhong tried to get me to eat and on the way back to my dorm we stopped by a boba place. I got a mango snow bubble and it was good. I have yet to finish it still though.

My roommates are so sweet. They went to dinner when I was out and they brought me back chips to eat! I couldn't say no so I ate some of them already and I am saving some for later. Maybe this is the start of me regaining my appetite. Or at least we hope so right?

Thought I would leave you all with this picture from my balcony. I miss home, but the view is nice.



  1. Nice photo. Looking forward to seeing you soon . . . Dad

  2. Same here. Need to get through the week though

  3. The view is better here . . . Anonymous

  4. Beautiful view from your balcony.

  5. Such a beautiful view. Feeling a bit homesick about the So. Cal view
