Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Liebster Award?

Hi everyone!

I know I have been dragging my feet on this post . . . a while back my sister got nominated for this same award. I am not totally clear on what this is, but it's an outlet for bloggers with less than 200 followers to get more involved in the blogging community.

These are the rules:

  • Tell readers 11 things about you.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger who tagged you created.
  • Create 11 questions of your own for those you nominate to answer.
  • Nominate 11 fellow bloggers (with 200 or less followers) and tell them they have been nominated!

11 Things About Me:

  1. I have a scar on my middle finger of my left hand. When I was 8 (I think) I was practicing for my black belt test and cut my finger with my sword. After that, I was given a non sharp sword.
  2. I used to get bullied a lot in elementary school. Being 5 ft you can imagine how tiny I was over ten years ago. I can take any rude comments people have, but once they tease me about my height I can't take it.
  3. My favorite holiday is Christmas! A lot of not so good things have happened to me on that specific holiday, but I still love it. I enjoy the home decor the most. Sometimes I sit on the couch and just stare at the Christmas tree! Plus I don't do well with warm weather so I don't mind the cool weather.
  4. I do NOT like orange juice! I am not sure what it is about orange juice, but I just don't like it. I do consume oranges occasionally. I guess oranges aren't that great to me.
  5. In my freshman year of high school I had my heart set on attending FIDM or college. I had a crazy dream that I would one day become a famous designer. Now I am majoring in Human Biology and intend to become a medical examiner.
  6. This is not my proudest moment, but when I was maybe 6 years old I got in trouble for shoving a pea up my brother's nose . . . Let's just say my mom wasn't too pleased with me
  7. No matter how hot or cold it is I have all my covers over my head when I sleep. Not all the time, but a good 90% of the time. I am not sure why I do this. Somehow it helps me sleep better!
  8. My brother used to be allergic to anything and everything. I was always the one that had no allergies, but I am allergic to grass. So when people get to run around in the grass or wear slippers in the grass I can't. My feet will start to itch and turn red. When it's really bad I start to itch uncontrollably till I submerge my feet into cold water and scrub them with soap. Not fun at all.
  9. I am an incredibly slow eater at times. I've been told stories of how people would fall asleep trying to feed me when I was a baby. I know, it's pathetic. Thank goodness I am a bit faster now lol
  10. When I go to Islands to eat, I ALWAYS order the same thing. I get the Jr. Quesadilla with jack cheese and easy on the cheese with fries as my side. This may sound normal but then I dip my quesadilla in ketchup. . . Yes I am aware of the fact that I am a bit peculiar.
  11. When I was a little girl I told my dad that when I grew up I would drive a lime green beetle bug car. My favorite color was lime green for the looooongest time!

Answer 11 Questions From the Blogger:
  1. April from AprilJustinTV on YouTube inspires me. She is such a positive and high spirited person. Her husband Justin makes her life complete and they just compliment each other. Just by watching her videos I am inspired to become a better person. If you guys haven't checked out their channel you are missing out!
  2. I have no idea what talents I have. . . I guess I am pretty decent at doing my nails. I am also pretty good at reading people's minds. Or atleast I think so lol
  3. Something I am personally proud of. Hmmmm I guess I am proud of my improvement from elementary school. I used to be really mean to people, but now I am much nicer believe it or not. Some people still think I am cruel or bossy but I think I am a very caring person.
  4. The one thing I can't leave home without is my cell phone because I have some strange emotional attachment to it. This isn't because I am a crazy teen that's attached to her phone. I have panic attacks when people touch my phone. I believe I have this problem because this is the last item I got from my ex boyfriend. I have been getting better though! I don't think about him and the scars are healing quite well.
  5. My favorite makeup product is mascara! I have the typical short stiff Asian lashes so I enjoy applying mascara. I hate when my lashes clump together so I put on thin coats and use my heated eyelash curler to hold the curl.
  6. I would pay a million bucks for. . . no harm to come to my doggie. I treat her like my own child and I would be devastated if anything bad happens to her. To be honest I think she is treated like royalty lol She has so many toys and beds around the house. She gets treats and so much love.
  7. Scuba diving is the thing that I am looking forward to the most! I have been snorkeling but I have never gotten to scuba dive. Since UCSD offers scuba classes I decided that I will sign up and get certified! Sounds fun right?
  8. My go to outfit for Summer would have to be my American Eagle midi shorts that match my sister along with my neon yellow and black tank top. I love wearing my simple black slippers because they match everything and I am lazy! Go to outfit for Winter would be my black fleece pants, big blue hoodie, fuzzy socks, and Uggs.
  9. I have so many pet peeves that I think I have lost track. The one that comes to mind is when that one person shakes his/her leg during the middle of a test. Normally they sit right next to me or even worse behind me! Then my chair start to shake!
  10. If I could visit the past I would visit the dinos! I mean who wouldn't want to see all the giagnormous aminals!!! I really would want to see them though in all seriousness. I think that it would be an amazing experience and memory to have. Plus I have a special dino book I used to read when I was little. (It's a pop-up too!!)
  11. A rule that I swear by. That's a tough one. I will say chewing with your mouth closed. I find myself always correcting my little cousin. It's hilarious though because she stops chewing then realizes what I am telling her.

Create 11 Questions:
  1. If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
  2. What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
  3. Name one food you can't live without. No I don't mean the essentials, more like chocolate or peanut butter!
  4. What is your favorite nail polish? Upload a picture!
  5. What is your all time favorite movie?
  6. When you were younger what was one strange thing you would do?
  7. If you were an animal, which would you be and why?
  8. What do you think the ideal weather would be?
  9. If you could meet anyone in the world who would you choose to meet?
  10. Chocolate or Vanilla? Why?
  11. Would you rather be a mermaid or live in outer space?
I Choose:
  1. Love.Life.Beauty.
  2. College Beauty Buff
  3. The Nailasaurus
I am well aware of the fact that 3 does not equal 11. I just can't seem to find 11 bloggers I really like. Sooo congrats to you all! Please message me back letting me know when you upload your post!

Also thank you Awkaward Cheesecake for my nomination. It was a fun post to write!



  1. Thank you so much for the nomination!! I'm super busy with work & grad school, but I'm aiming to get it done by the wknd! xo

    1. My pleasure! I totally understand. I am busy with packing and doing last minute things before I move to UCSD! Shoot me a comment when you upload it. I would love to read it!!

  2. Sorry for making fun of your height

    1. When was that? Luckily for you I have a bad memory, huh? lol Must not have been toooo bad thn

  3. That was a lot of fun to read!!
    Awesome post:)
