Monday, September 23, 2013

I Survived The Bus!

Hi again,

My roommates and I took the school shuttle to the bus station and then the bus to UTC aka the mall. To be honest I had no idea how to figure out which stop to get off at. I mean UTC was obvious, but not sure which shuttle stop to get to which bus or which bus I needed. Luckily my roommates' friend knew where to go.

The inside of the bus was decently clean. I get motion sick easily and I started to get a headache. Since the bus rocks a lot I told myself to think of it as a ride at Disneyland. Surprisingly my headache went away! As I sit here writing this I do feel like I am still on the bus though.

So we made it to UTC. They were hungry so we headed to the food court to find some grub. We ate at the Indian food place. I wasn't hungry still so I had some of a vegetable samosa and some water. I looked around Forever21, but didn't really find anything. At Hollister I found a pair of shorts. IKR? I don't normally shop at Hollister because it is so expensive. The last time I was at Hollister was many years ago . . . I know these shorts look really short, but they are about the same length as the shorts I own now. What really sold me, besides the gems on the front, is the fact that the shorts go longer in the back. That way I don't need to worry about my butt showing! They were originally $59.50. I got them for $20 + tax. Good deal right? That's even cheaper than the ones I buy from American Eagle!

Oh and on the bus ride back I picked up these little booklet things in hopes that they will help me not get lost in San Diego. Guess I know what I will be studying! I also asked the bus driver how to get to the scuba shop and he said I have to take the 202 then switch to the 27. Or at least I think that's what he said. I am trying not to worry too much because I still have to pass the swim test!