Monday, September 30, 2013

Back To Reality


Surprisingly I slept well last night. It was like a deep sleep, but someone's alarm clock went off at like 7 am then ten mins later till like 8. I couldn't fall back asleep so I missed out on a good amount of sleep. Ate half a bar for breakfast and was on my way to class. Chem wasn't as scary as I thought it would have been. Still don't like it though. Math class was funny because my professor had problems writing in a certain spot on the board, but could write on the rest of the board with easy. After he got the chalk to write everyone applauded him.

I think lunch is my motivation to live through Chem and Math. Didn't want to wait in the crazy long lines so I got some salad to eat with my musubi from home. I was kind of disappointing when I didn't see cucumber or croutons.

My MMW class was interestingish . . . During his whole schpeel I had no idea what to write down as far as notes go. Then when I would hear him say something important I had no clue how to spell it to write it down. Finally made it to ASL!! So glad I end my day with ASL because I just enjoy it so much! Tbh I use my ASL homework as a break between other homeworks. Does that make me odd?