Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bras & Brownies!

Hi again!

Who has carried one of these lovely bags around?!
No, I did not die. Life has been very busy lately and at the end of the day I am too drained to think straight to provide you all with a thoughtful post . . . Today's post is more for the ladies, but guys you are welcome to read this as well. Let's face it, there is a time in every girl's life where she gets to a magical time in life when she needs a bra! I was so thrilled when I got to purchase my first bra. I tried on so many bras lol I wanted the cute ones with lots of colors and patterns, but now I realize there is more to bra choosing that looks. In the past I bought all of my bras from Kohl's, Target, and Walmart because they were cheap and decent quality. Now I purchase my bras from Victoria's Secret because they are better quality. My first trip to VS took over an hour because I must have tried every bra in the store! That trip was about twoish years ago . . . yes it has been a long time. But when bras cost $42 each I want to get the most out of them! My recent trip to VS took about an hour as well because I think I tried every bra in my size lol It's kind of difficult to find a bra at VS when you are on the smaller side because they just don't fit right. I ended up choosing a bra similar to the one I own. The difference is just the straps and style.

After bra shopping, I noticed I am more comfortable walking around carrying a bunch of bras. I used to try to hide them under other clothes I took into fitting rooms, but now I don't care. Were you like this at one point too? Or am I alone?

I LOVE Bath & Body Works! My mom and I get all of the promotion emails and coupons. Once day my mom said that BBW was giving away free brownies with an online purchase of X dollars. I was lik brownies?!?? That's odd because BBW is all about fragrances not food! So I looked into it and turns out they were giving brownies. I placed an order and voila, brownies on our porch! Well, it wasn't that quick lol took a week probably. The brownies came in this sleek box.

There were a total of four little square brownies. Each one was 100 calories a pop! Let me start off by saying only one had a brownie consistency, the Marshmallow Fireside. The Farmstand Apple had the texture of a very dense moist cake. All the brownies were very sweet. My favorite was the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin. The top of the brownie has a crumble similar to one you would find on an apple dessert. My second favorite is the Pumpkin Cupcake because it has sprinkle on top!! I L-O-V-E sprinkles sooooo much!!! It has a subtle pumpkin flavor. The Marshmallow Fireside brownie had a hint of coconut so it wasn't all that yummy for my taste buds. It had a very brownie like texture and appearance though. Lastly, the Farmstand Apple wasn't as flavorful as I had expected. My mom and I tried each brownie by consuming 1/4 of each. My fourth of the apple brownie was so dense and heavy that it didn't make me feel happy like brownies should lol BBW did a good job with convincing me and my mom that we had to try the brownies! It wasn't the best experience, but it was a lot of fun taste testing them.

Till next time,



  1. Totally agree with you about the bras lol.
    The brownies sound interesting...I've only tried chocolate kinds.

    Glad you've been ok!

    1. I think I feel confident walking around holding bras because I forget I even have them lol

  2. It nice that you found a bra for yourself and those brownies look decent too bad i missed the promo
