Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 7: Home Depot + Baths


Waking up Sunday morning and getting our day started was awfully awkward and tense. He watched Netflix and I worked on coloring. Thank goodness he said he wanted to run a few errands. We went to Home Depot which was pretty relaxed. Walked up and down the aisles and he picked out a nice medium size plant for under his window (that's the big one in the back). I picked out this little guy for his kitchen window. Thought it may bring some color and happiness to the room.

Our last stop was the grocery store. We ended up going way way off the list and spent $134! Although we did purchase alcohol, chips, bulkish type items, meats, etc. That's alright though because I think we have enough food to last us till I leave on the 13th. When we got home we unloaded the car and headed back out to La Corona for "linner". Half way through our meal Schatzi laughed to himself. When I asked him why he explained how ironic us eating nachos and a burrito was. Those were the items we each ate on our first dat back in November of 2013! Holy cow, saying/reading/thinking of that is crazy to me. It really is a bummer that this is the end.

On a not so depressing note, once we got home, food coma and all, Schatzi planted his new plant outside, mowed the lawn all pretty, and watered. I did a little run, mostly walking though. It was hot so I took some time to cool down. Schatzi took his beer and wayched Netflix while taking a cold bath. He seemed pretty relaxed after he got out and I guess I was a bit tense so he suggested I take a bath. He literally turned me toward the bathroom lol he even poured me a glass of my wine. Of course I had to have my water and candy! Good suggestion though because I was very much cooled off and not so tense.

We ended the night playing PlayStation! Yes, we played video games. At first I may have been getting crushed, but I got a few good wins in! We had a lot of fun kicking each other's butts. Lots of laughs and side glances. It was really nice being able to enjoy some time together.


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