Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 9: Spiderwebs!

Hey hey hey,

Oh my goodness guys! I slept in way too late on Tuesday. Schatzi's alarm went off and he got up and did his thing and I did my usual by staying in bed. He came back in and said he was leaving for work. I love that he doesn't just take off. Also like when he either gives me a kiss on the forehead, a hug, or sits on the bed to say bye. I ended up knocking back out though. Off and on until a bit after 11! That would be somewhat normal for me back at home, but since I've been at Schatzi's house I have been waking up relatively early and getting going with my day.

A few days back Schatzi had mentioned he was wanting to clean the window sills so I thought I could save him some time and energy by taking care of them for him. I really don't like bugs of any kind. I turn into a girly girl when bugs come near me and can't help but squeak or squeal or whatever you want to call it. I decided I would be brave and suck up all the bugs and webs. He's got a heavy vacuum. To be honest if I was going to be living here I would have bought him, well us, a new vacuum. I went around the house vacuuming, dusting, and wiping things down. I really hope he isn't insulted that I cleaned. In no way am I trying to say his house was super dirty. I just knew he wanted it done and I had the time. Plus I always hope if I do things to help him out while he's at work he may have time for me when he gets home.

He got home from work and asked if I wanted to run to the store with him. I checked a recipe (check back in a few days for the cookies!) and made a list and off we went. We were at Walmart a decent while but that's okay because going to the store is usually relaxing and fun with him. Of course we got more than what was on our lists. I feel bad because he has been spending way too much money since I've arrived here in town. Not that he is spending it all on me, but since we are out he is buying the items he has been thinking about purchasing. We kind of did our own things till it was time for bed. A short cuddle till he said he needed to move so he could find a comfortable position to sleep in. Kind of made me giggle a bit but it was all good.


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