Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 10: Gastric Bypass + Farmer's Market


Yesterday was a very long day. I actually was planning to sit at Starbucks and catch up on blogging, but it didn't happen. Out of all the days I have been staying at Schatzi's house I get up to potty in the morning after he leaves to work but yesterday I got up to potty and that's when I missed a phone call! What are the odds? lol His mom called him instead and he handed me the phone. She was asking if I wanted to tag along with her and Shatzi's sister for the day and I said suuuure! So I crawled back into bed for a bit more before running around Schatzi's house like a fool. Before his mom and sister came to get me I had to pop everything in the crockpot, feed Caesar, and get myself ready!

It was a bit of a ride to our destination and I will admit I was feeling a bit carsick. We stopped by Home Depot so his mom could return a few items and then realized we were hungry. Oh man that was fun. We looked up a diner near by and turns out it wasn't open till another ten minutes. Cool thing was his mom got to see the car she's been wanting in real life and ask the owner about it! Then we went off to find Hometown Buffet which ended up being closed down a while back. Getting slightly frustrated we decided Marie Callender's would be fine. Of course that couldn't be easy for us right? Where they used to be is a drive thru Panera! So we ended up driving to Logan's Roadhouse where you get to throw peanut shells on the floor!

We only had about 40 minutes to eat and I know I don't eat that much so I ordered a pulled pork sweet potato. It ended up being huge!! I ate about 70% of it before I felt full.

Off we went in a bit of a rush to the gastric bypass seminar. It was pretty interesting listening to the doctor, nurse, and others speak. They described obesity and how science is at fault when it comes to individuals not being able to lose their excess weight. The surgery has come a long way in the last 20 years where they used to make a very long incision to complete the procedure. Now patients are in and out of the hospital within two days.

Of course I felt so wrong sitting there listening to all of this thinking about eating the Cheetos in my purse! After the seminar his sister had an appointment upstairs, well two. I was getting worried watching the clock because Schatzi gets off work at 5, I had food in the crockpot, and I wanted to go the farmer's market. It was after five when she was done with her appointments and we still needed to go to Costco. We made it home after seven, but luckily Schatzi was still open to going to the farmer's market.

The farmer's market wasn't as big as the one in Monrovia, but it was a lot bigger than the one near my work! This is where all the Asians are! Seeing other Asian people is kind of a rare thing in this town. Not that it really matters, but still. Aside from the Asians there were a lot of tomatoes. We walked up and down the booths and in the end I decided to buy a small container of cherry tomatoes (eating some as I type this) and a samosa.

Most farmer's markets have some live music. This one had a group of people playing music in front of the court house. I think it's a beautiful building. It's really cool how everyone picks a spot and just enjoys being outside listening to music together.

Schatzi and I walked down the street a bit and he asked if I wanted to go into the bar. Part of me honestly wanted to say yes, but I said no because it was getting late, I don't like the idea of spending a lot of money on something I may not like, I am slightly scared, and we still needed to eat dinner. We knew most of the shops would be closed but we still wanted to stroll down the street. There was a shop that had a menu of services including an acne treatment. Schatzi offered to have me get this done for my back this Saturday. Very sweet gesture. Why Saturday? He said because then he would have the cash from his job on Friday night and it would also guarantee him 75 minutes of uninterrupted sleep. He was teasing of course! Well mostly teasing. I am considering going though. I mean my back could use the help, I could let him sleep, and I can check out some of the stores.

Well we got home and I blanched the green beans while he got started on the watering. The meat was a disaster! It was sad but kind of funny. I don't know what went wrong, but the meat was super dry and tough. Yes, I am so bad at cooking that I couldn't even use the crockpot lol At least he was a good sport and ate a small bit. We gave some to the dog! We both had long days so we called it a night.


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