Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 4: Bake + Redding + Shoes


It is heating up here. Only 100 right now though so I guess I can't complain that much. Yesterday I tried to plan out my day. I was going to get up, run, shower, then sit at Starbucks till it was time to pick up Schatzi from work and head to Redding. Did it go that way? Of course not. I was really dragging my feet about the run and that's when Schatzi sent me a text saying he had to take something the following day for a work potluck. So we went back and forth trying to find recipes for a decent enough looking dessert. After deciding on one, I made a shopping list and hopped on the treadmill.

When I was at the store, I realized that that was probably the first time I have ever been grocery shopping alone. Crazy right? I'm 21, an adult, yet I haven't been grocery shopping on my own! Given my luck I probably chose the loudest most annoying shopping cart. I ended up shopping at two stores to get all the ingredients we needed. There's most of what I used for the cake.

Did some dishes and started on the cake. I thought I wouldn't need to turn on the swamp cooler when I was baking but oh was I wrong! I survived though. After the cake came out of the oven I poked holes and poured the caramel sauce over the top. Yea I didn't need to bake it for him, but I was thinking if I took the time to bake it before he got off work we could have more time together in Redding and it would save some headache later. Glad I baked it ahead of time.

I picked up Schatzi and off we went to Redding. He and I have both been in need of running shoes for far too long. Our goal of the night was to find running shoes! I get pretty picky about my shoes, and to be honest he does too. We stopped first at Dick's and didn't really find any winners. Off to the mall where we walked through a handful of different stores. He got me to go into JCPenny to look at shoes and guess what? I found shoes! I couldn't believe the search for my running shoes was finally over! He didn't find anything he really liked at the mall so back to Dick's we went. He found his winning pair!

By that point we were both pretty hungry so we made a few quick stops and headed to dinner. Red Robin for dinner. We didn't realize how late it had become. It wasn't until maybe 10pm that we finished dinner! I don't know why but I was pooped. I couldn't keep my eyes open on the drive home. Luckily I wasn't the one driving. Although, I did feel guilty about keeping him out and up so late.

We had to finish up the cake before going to bed so Schatzi put the finishing touches on the cake. I was so out of it so I zombie walked to the shower and got ready for bed. I went into the bedroom and knocked out face down (seems to be a theme here) on the bed. I didn't realize I had knocked out util he came into the room. Both of us were exhausted, yet neither of us slept very well through the night.


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