Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 3: Dollar Tree

Hi yet again,

You'd think that since I don't really have anything pressing to do during the day that I would have blogged, yet here we are. Day three, Wednesday, I decided I would face my fear and leave the house! I planned to go to Dollar Tree to pick up a few things. Plus Dollar Tree is always fun to go to! Making it my routine I sat outside with Cesar and ate my breakfast. Someone wanted some of my yogurt!

As I was cleaning up and getting ready for the day Schatzi's mom sent me a text asking if I wanted to go with her to run some errands. Figured why not? We went to get her tires rotated, the pool vacuum looked at, drop off his sister's phone, the bank, the Tractor Supply store, and Dollar Tree. It was a lot of in and out of ac and heat. I did not plan to pick up the same color items, but I did! While we were out, I got a special comb for Cesar, flossers, rubber slipper, chip clips, and a few other items. Oh and a toy for Cesar! I will admit that I knocked out face down on the floor by the time Schatzi got home from work.

He asked how my day was and I his. He had a funny look on his face and that was when he said he got the second job he's been after. Good news because it will help financially plus he wanted it and got it! The not so great news is that this is going to be the first weekend we have together and he works Friday and Saturday nights. Along with the following weeks. Poor guy said there was a knot in his stomach since he got the news at 3 that day. I'm happy for him, honestly, but I am not going to lie and say that I am not a little down about it. I was really looking forward to being able to spend time with him other than the few hours after he gets off work. But can't change it and I will be supportive. Plus you can tell he is excited about the new job! Which is nice to see him happy.

We did the usual, dinner and sat outside and watched the sprinklers and called it a night. I find it very relaxing to simply sit and look at the grass, butterflies, horses, cows, water, and sunset. It's nice to be able to think of absolutely nothing every once in a while. Not to mention at night it tends to be cooler outside than it is in the house.


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