Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 12: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

Hi guys,

Yesterday when Schatzi was at work I decided I would attempt to bake cookies. Luckily Icould cheat and use these baggies of cookie mix!

I broke up some pretzels, cut caramel squares, mixed each batters, and rolled the dough together. Let me tell you that it was much easier said than done. WAY easier said than done. The peanut butter batter did not want to stick to the chocolate batter let alone itself! Plus the chocolate batter wanted to become one with my hands.

After a long time of frustration and washing my hands, I was left with these! I will admit that I kind of burnt the first batch and of course the last five cookies turned out the best. They were also the ones I put the least amount of effort into. Just my luck. At least they taste decent though! Probably be really yummy frozen with some ice cream OR with another vanilla soy latte! Can you guess what I'm craving right now?

I did a lot of sweeping, washing my hands and dishes before Schatzi got home from work. Since it was a Friday he would have to go to work again in less than four hours. So while he went to rest/nap I stayed out in the living room and colored. I think this may be my favorite one so far.

We had dinner together and then before I knew it he was gone. Sadly I got to spend maybe an hour
with him yesterday, but on the bright side he is working and gets a bit of financial relief.

Played with Caesar for a bit. Got him to growl at me because I wouldn't let go of his rope! His weight alone made it a bit difficult to play tug of war. With my Mimi at home tug of war is simple and I have to make sure I don't accidentally hurt her.

Took a minute to breathe and enjoy the view before heading in to clean up the kitchen, take a bath, and get to bed. I did decide to walk on the treadmill. I was texting my mom when I found bugs flying in my face and even getting stuck to my sweaty body. That's when I called it quits and time for a bath! Of course my bath went on longer than expected and I was barely in bed around 1am and he gets off work at 2. I was staying up so I could say hi when he got home but I guess I knocked out because I woke up when he opened the door to his bedroom. Felt like a fatty because prior to his coming back I had eaten chips, crackers, cookies, and wine in bed!


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