Friday, August 9, 2013


Hey everybody!

Just real quick cuz have less than 30 mins to get ready and eat and do this post. I woke up this morning and when I walk into the family room my dad hands me a package. I knew that I would totally forget about the package because I am just so forgetful. It's my goodies from my sister! I st down and tore into it. Look at all the goodies!!

Soooo she sent some foodie items. I love like all the sembei with peanuts in I already know I will enjoy these! The cute candy I have no idea what kind it is but that's Finally the pink packages with cracker/cookies look so yummy! I am going to save some for college but I will devour some this coming week for sure. Even though I am trying to "diet"

I love to try new things with makeup now a days sooo she sent me some beauty products! I got two and a half pairs of falsies, a BB cream, and some strawberry pads. I have always wanted to try BB cream but I never seem to buy this is a great way to get to try it out finally! Thank u for that! I love all sorts of face masks/products because I use them as an excuse to lay on my bed for 15-30 mins to relax. The strawberry pads will deffinetly be used when I am feeling stressed!

Lastly, I received a/two magazines. They are so nice compared to the ones in the US! I love looking at all of the Japanese fashion and hairstyles! I didn't know that the nono hair removal is in Japan too! Can you tell I am excited? I love how she added a little note to everything. It's so her! Love it all so much even though I haven't really tried any yet... This made my morning!

Thank u!!



  1. I'm glad it reached you safely and most of all, I'm glad you liked it!!

  2. Thank you! I had so much fun trying on the lashes
