Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Easy" Up

Good morning/evening,

Work was rather interesting today.... So I don't waste your time I will just share some of the highlights of my work day.

Highlight 1- The other day when I went to work I got to meet a new coworker. I don't normally work with just me and a girl so I was kind of excited when I realized it would be just me and her. Maybe that sounds creepy...but I just mean having a girl to talk to could be more fun than talking to a guy lol Here's our table set up btw. Ain't it purdy?

Highlight 2- I am only 5' and I got to attempt to move an easy up that was taller than I am.. The easy up was on the second floor so I had to drag it over to the elevator. It does have two wheels but the easy up is in really bad condition so it doesn't always work as well as it should. Let me tell you, these things are NOT light. While I was dragging it into the elevator, the door closed on it lol my coworker and I started busting up. After we stopped laughing she helped me drag the other half into the elevator. When the elevator door opened to the first floor I tried to wheel the easy up out of the elevator and as it was almost all the way out, the door closed on it. Thus tipping the easy up on the side without wheels. My coworker and I were laughing so hard. I eventually stood the easy up up and as I looked to the ceiling I saw one of the security cameras. Whoever was on duty must have gotten a kick out of watching me struggle.. My coworker and I brought down the easy up (black boxy thing), two chairs, the poster, a fold-able table, and a bin that must weigh at least 20 pounds. Sad thing was that when the easy up was finally opened we realized our boss left us one of the broken ones. So we had to sit in the sun for half the day. I now have rather interesting red arms thanks to my grad night writ band and jewelry..

Highlight 3- Curly fries! I know...I am doing a horrible job with trying to eat healthy. I just love curly fries though! My coworker and I split this lovely batch of curly fries. We had to keep walking back to the food truck because we underestimated our ability to consume ketchup lol

I know I made it sound like I would share a bunch of highlights but three will have to do it for today.

Hope everyone slept/is sleeping well.



  1. You're still wearing the grad night wrist band?! lol

    good job with the easy up. I'm sure you looked hilarious. jk:)
