Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sugar Sugar Sugar

Hi again,

So my first full day back at home I had to work. Luckily I was placed on the production line so I didn't have to interact with too many customers. I had a decent breakfast in the morning, skipped lunch, and by the time my dinner break came around I was not hungry at all. I thought I would have a little bit of chocolate milk (Schatzi gave me some of his when I was up there and it sounded good again), a sliver of crumb cake, and a brownie for dinner. Not going for healthy, but something I may eat.

My coworker had ran over to the candy store on her break and got me this big bag of candy to try to cheer me up. That was really sweet of her! Usually I crave candy while I'm at work and would have eaten the whole bag by the end of my shift, but I had maybe four pieces. I also ate only that much of my cake, brownie, and milk (see above). It's not that I am hungry but trying to make myself not eat because I am so upset. I am just so sad and confused and scared that my appetite has yet to come back. Slowly it'll come back I think. My body won't be able to deal with so little nutrients and my brain will force me to eat.

Until then it looks like chips and candy will be my diet.


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