Thursday, April 17, 2014

No Charger? EVER?

Hey guys,

Dance class was a bit frustrating today. We had a substitute that tried to teach us the waltz. She claimed it was easy, but was it? Naw! Schatzi wasn't in too hot of a mood during/after class. He let me use his phone to call my grandparents, but I think it made him a little upset/hurt when I told them I was using my friend's phone. I'm sorry love. I will tell them the next time though because I see no reason for not telling them.

Long story short, my phone charger is broken . . . Luckily I have an extra at home and my mom packed a box of stuffs for me! Should receive it tomorrow if all goes well. Schatzi and I have been forced to communicate through email :/ Not the most convenient way to communicate. So he asked if he could take me to the Verizon store to get a new charger. I knew he had ulterior motives, but I gave in to going. Plus, he got a new motorcycle (the first one got stolen). Got to Verizon and the guys told me that they no longer sell the charger for my phone. More specifically they said something along the lines of the chargers got shipped back so they could be destroyed. O.O why must these things always happen to me? Schatzi said that that should tell me it's time to get a new phone. He tried to get me to give him the okay to buy me an iphone, but nope. I just can't be okay with someone spending that much money on me. Then again I am used to boyfriends that are opposite of my Schatzi.

Since the whole finding a phone charger ordeal was done Schatzi asked if I wanted to go to TGIF. It was right there so why not? I normally eat of kids menus right? This time I got a balsamic salad and a side of mashed potatoes!

Schatzi is a carnivore so he ordered steak and ribs. Look at dat meat! Finished around 9pm. Not worried about homework this evening because of the effort I put into the MMW assignment. I love the fact that Schatzi and I can be spontaneous. Did we plan to get off campus together? No. Dinner? No. Motorcycle ride? No. Yet they all happened!

Thank you for taking me out this evening. I do need to figure out the best way for me to ride though. Probably also a good idea to not wear my ring for rides lol I love you. See you in class :)



  1. Don't let anyone touch your phone charger. Yes, a lot of meat but looks good.

    1. Yea I will make sure to keep the new one away from ppl. Cuz if anything bad happens to my charger I'd have to get a new phone

  2. Eventually the battery may not keep a charge, then you'll have no choice.

  3. Catching up again!
    Lovin the stories about you and Schatzi:)
