Friday, July 11, 2014

La Corona Dinner Date

Hello again,

Schatzi and I love to go out to eat. It's not because of the food, although food is great! We love to simply go out to eat and just spending time with each other.

He chose Tuesday evening as our date night and look! Maybe not terribly obvious, but there IS a rainbow in this photo to the right. I love rainbows and it felt special seeing it on the way to our dinner date.

So Schatzi always gets his favorite nachos, nachos ponchos, at La Corona. He has been talking about these nachos since the first day we talked! Can you believe that? Goes all the way back to Gas Lamp! Do you remember talking about em babe? Been a while. I finally got to see the famous nachos! Look at that plate of yummy goodness!

You guys see that little bit of shirt? Ever since the first time I've seen it on him, I've fallen in love with it. The whole outfit. Not sure what it is about that blue plaid shirt and khaki/brown shorts but I just love it! You guys should see him in it if you haven't already. He looks so handsome :)

When I go to a Mexican restaurant I always ALWAYS get the same thing right? My rice, beans, and tortillas. This time I tried something new! Got a chicken taco salad! I am not a fan of sour cream but told Schatzi I had been craving it lately. I normally avoid ordering any type of chicken when I go out because I am so picky, but this chicken was tender, tasty, moist, soft, simply delicious. Inside the taco bowl shell was beans, shredded chicken, lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. I've had taco bowl shells before, but this one was different. In a good way! I couldn't stop eating it! I think if my tummy were bigger I'd have eaten my whole meal. Schatzi was a sweetheart and got me a box so I could take what I didn't eat back to the house.

This is the outside of La Corona. Schatzi's brother wasn't kidding when he described it as the green building lol

I saw this sign and could not leave without snapping a photo! Do you guys know what movie it's from? Not the exact sign, but the name Bargain Barn.

Toward the beginning of my stay Schatzi had pointed out this clock tower. Only thing is that I never seemed to have my camera with me when we drove by it. Here's a photo I managed to snap as we drove by on the way to dinner. Schatzi said we could go back after dinner! Don't have anything like it here so I enjoyed admiring it's beauty.

On our way to Schatzi's favorite store. He hates Walmart!
He spent a great deal of time listing out all the reasons as to why he dislikes Walmart. After hearing all his reasons I totally agreed with him! I don't mind Walmart but I feel ya Schatzi. He pointed out how no employee ever knows where any specific item is located, the aisles are too small to fit two carts side by side, they have piles of products in the main aisles blocking the way for customers, feels dirty inside, and the employees never seem happy.

The theater in town is members only and there wasn't anything we were really wanting to see so Schatzi had the brilliant idea of wandering over to Walmart to check out the new releases.

Chose Lone Survivor and snacks! He said we should at least have movie type snacks available if we get hungry. I am a fan of kettle popcorn and Schatzi wanted butter (I think. Or was it salted?). He likes movie theater popcorn. I picked out gummy worms and Schatzi got Buncha Crunch!

When we were on the way back Schatzi pulled off to the side of the road so I could take a quick photo of this deer crossing sign. I probably laughed too hard at this sign.

Thought the sky looked nice. That red line is part of the rainbow. I know it kind of looks like glare though.

We got home, took showers, chatted with his mom, and headed out to the trailer to watch our movie. There's something about being in pjs on the bed watching a movie with Schatzi that's relaxing. He asked me to fix up his nails since it had been three weeks since I last did em for him. I file em down and put a simple clear coat over. This time he asked for them to be a bit on the short side since it'll be another three weeks at least before I get to see him again. It's nice knowing that by me showing his nails some attention that he can feel a bit pampered. The movie was pretty good. There were these times they threw themselves off these cliffs. Man that was crazy. It's not like they slid down the side. They literally threw themselves off the side and when bouncing down it seemed lol I had to kind of look away during scenes where people were getting badly hurt. Overall good movie.

I enjoyed our date night. Nice simple relaxing evening. I think Schatzi and I are the type of couple that get satisfaction from just being in each other's company. Again soon enough, three plus weeks.


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