Monday, July 14, 2014

Revolving Sushi

Hi guys,

The other day my friend and I went to a few Asiany clothing shops. We were both a bit hungry so we decided to get sushi. I don't do a lot of sushi because I don't eat most of the different sushi creations out there. Apparently I've been to revolving sushi before. My mom says I have. I just don't recall I guess.

He and I ended up at the revolving sushi bar near Ontario Mills.

It's so cool! He said it takes about 6 minutes for a plate to make it's whole trip around the belt. I had four plates. Reminds me of my sister. I imagine she eats more than four plates though lol Sesame balls, masago x2, and tamago. I eat the egg and rice separate . . . am I weird?

He ordered two of these Philadelphia rolls and told me to try it. I stared at it thinking I don't eat raw fish, crab, or avocado. The only components of this that I would eat would be the cream cheese, nori, and rice. I surprised myself though and tried it. Took me a while to convince myself to try it, but I think I liked it! Crazy because of what's in it. Not sure if I'd order it for myself though because one small piece felt like enough for me. Maybe the next time I go to a sushi place I will try something new!



  1. It's good you try something new as you never know what you're missing out on.

  2. Oohh! Revolving sushi! I've always wanted to try that
