Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Packed Yet?


Nearly midnight here in California. I spent a decent amount of time gathering and packing stuffs for my trip! As of now I'm good to go. Going for sixish days up north to meet and stay with Schatzi's family!

Here's some photos of what I did. Of course I couldn't do this in silence so I searched Ariana Grande Playlist on YouTube. Maybe a little too loud since my brother next door closed his door. I like to lay out my clothes so I can get an idea of what I need to match with.

Schatzi and I enjoy going out on dates every once in a while so I had to pack this bad boy with me. Normally it would sit in the plastic tray and slide on into the big box. I don't have that kind of space so I decided to use this empty cookie tin form school! Who knew it'd come in handy later huh? The tin was still half empty so I decided it'd make a good sunglasses holder as well as my few items of jewelry. Why not right? Gotta use up my space.

Being a girlyish girl I had a lot of toilettre items . . . plus I'm gonna visit my boyfriend! Must look good no? Plus it's almost a week. One thing about being a girl means you always need to be ready just in case mother nature sneaks up on ya. Besides that, I have makeup stuffs, hair, eye, teeth, etc items.

After I packed my bathroom stuffs I rolled up all my clothes and laid em on the floor. I like to think by doing this I will lower the chance of me forgetting too much at home. Doesn't look like much in this photo, but believe me it was! Luckily it's summer so shorts and tanks take up less space than sweaters and jeans!

Part of the culture. I love how the watermelon one turned out! I just hope they don't get ruined in my suitcase. Made a list of last minute things to pack when I get up Thursday morning. Hope I don't forget anything!

Guess we'll see!


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! You packed a lot of things with only six days to spend up north. I can't blame you, though. Better to have so much than not enough, right? Hahaha! It's really nice that you are such an organized person. You made packing seem like a breeze. I know you had such a blast on your trip. May you enjoy more of those with your loved ones. All the best!

    Clay Delgado @ World Packaging
