Friday, July 25, 2014

Penn & Teller

Hey guys!

Did you guys get the hint from the other day's post? Penn & Teller! I used to watch their show Fool Us all the time on YouTube!

This is a photo of this really cool looking light structure.

We got to go up on the stage to check out a box and sign an envelope. Both of which would be used during the show.

Here's the box. At this moment I wasn't sure what part of the show it would be used for, but later Penn popped out of it making his entrance to the show.

See this guy in the hat? I could have sworn that it was Penn, but I wasn't 100% sure so I just zoomed and snapped a quick one. I was in line to check out the items on stage, but if I wasn't I'd have gone over there to try and get a better photo.

While in line I accidentally stepped on the red squares and a guy came and told me to get back on the black. Heres Penn and Teller's tape markers.

July 22, 2014. The yellow rectangle is the envelope my dad and I signed.

Here's the view from stage! See that guy off to the right center in the white? Go two rows back. That's how close we were to stage. Pretty sweet seats!

No photos or video taping during the show. I loved the show! I have no clue as to which trick was my favorite. There was one where Penn sat playing guitar and telling the story of Penn in Physics class. While Penn did that, Teller of course acted it all out. Educational in a way, but got my attention the whole time! I also liked a trick where Teller turned water into coins and then coins into fish.

After the show, Penn and Teller were outside taking selfies and autographing whatever people gave to them. My dad and I joined the crowd of people around Teller while my mom and brother waited off to the side. You guys know Teller doesn't talk during the act right? Of course I was curious to find out what he sounded like! When it was my turn I had my camera record while he took it from me and took a selfie with me. I didn't have a pen or paper with me so I franticly thought of what I could have him sign. That's when I asked if he could autograph the side of my camera and he said yes! I really liked Teller. He was extremely friendly and kind.

Moving on to Penn. We stood in that crowd of people. What I noticed about Penn was that every time he addressed a person he would say "Hi/Hey Boss." For those of you that don't know, I am 5 foot. Penn is 6 foot 7 inches tall. I pressed record as he called me forward. I wasn't sure how a selfie would work with someone 18 inches taller than I was. So instead my dad took the photo for me. Penn wasn't anywhere near as personable as Teller, but I managed to get him to autograph my camera as well. Oh and as I was waiting my turn I overheard that, hat was him playing bass prior to the show!

It was late and we were all exhausted. Back to the hotel we went. Did a quick arms, thighs, back, chest, and abs workout. Took a shower and now I am sitting here wearing my apricot foot mask while typing away! If you guys visit Vegas I'd recommend seeing their show. Not gonna be in Vegas? Watch em on YouTube!


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