Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sick vs Allergies

Hi again,

So I think on Friday night I started to feel weird. My body felt tingly, a bit achy, and cold but warm. I noticed that when I was washing my body it kind of hurt, but not really. Sorry, hard to explain but you catch my drift right? That's when I knew something was up. The next day, so yesterday I woke up with a sorer throat and felt warmer than usual, but cold at the same time. My body felt a tad weak too. Got out of bed and took some medication. I couldn't let it stop me from getting my haircut and shopping done! SJ was so nice, he offered to drive me around to get all my stuff done. He opened the doors for me, held my bags, made sure I drank water, held the clothes in the store for me, and paid for snacks.

For my fellow college peeps, do you eel distant from the holidays this year? I am usually home and out and about so I get my holiday shopping done, but this year I don't feel any holiday cheer. Bought some gifts for my suite mates and myself. I know you thinking I am selfish, but mom asked me to find stuff because she didn't have much stuff to give to me.

For dinner SJ and I went to one of our favorite spots, J Sushi & Ramen! I always get the same thing don't I SJ? Got my kids salmon terryaki meal, but this time I also got some masago sushi! Must have been another craving because I devoured it . . . I treated him to dinner because he has been paying for food lately, plus he drove me around and took care of me.

Got home and did some stuff for Christmas, eventually showered and tried to get some rest. Good news is that VW is going back home today!



  1. I'm glad you had fun that day. It was fun and nice to just go out places and hang out. You really do get the same thing and last time we went you wanted to sushi but they had ran out. Do you remember that? You looked sooo sad until you got your kids meal. Thanks for paying for dinner, I really appreciate it.

    1. It was fun. Yes I remember! Funny how I can't remember stuff for school, but when it comes to food...but even when I got my kids meal I was still sad about my sushi.

  2. Glad you bounced back quickly and didn't get worse to spoil your Christmas and break.

    1. Always tell myself that there's no time to be sick.
