Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cinnamon Rolls

Evening everyone,

My mom decided to stray away from the Christmas cookie tradition and make some cinnamon rolls instead. Since I am on break, I helped my mom bake over 100 cinnamon rolls. I'm not sure if cinnamon rolls or cookies are more work though . . . 

I think it took us like 5-6 hours to finish, and that's with the dough pre made (mom made the dough in advance)! I wanted to take more pictures, but I had to keep my hands germ free for sanitary purposes. Plus had butter and dough and stuff on my fingers.

Here's the cinnamon rolls before and after they had time to rise. Can you see the difference?

Doesn't that look cool? Mom made maple coffee cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip ones (shown above). They turned out great though! I may upload some pixs of em later. Forgot to take pixs of the final product lol Guess that's just how forgetful I can be.

Look at the baby, tryin to keep mommy from blogging! Then when I try to type she licks my elbow! Tried to move her and she growls and tries ta bite me. So now she's currently outside my bedroom. Her choice actually, she wanted out! You guys she did the cutest thing last night! I was sitting on the floor at my computer and she came to lay down next to me. She placed her head on my leg too! Then I moved over a bit and she wiggled her way over to lay right next to me again. So sweet!! That made my day for sure.



  1. Thank you for helping your Mom. The rolls turned out great.

  2. That looks so yummy!!! Must try a maple coffee flavor one day!
