Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Cliffs

Happy Saturday!

Before we went to bed last night, Bob, Sarah, my roomie, and I went to the popular cliffs. Real quick, Bob signed me up to go to the Day of the Dead Celebration. It ended an hour after my last class, so we went kinda late. The foodies and drink were almost all gone so we had to be happy with marshmallows. Oh and the mariachi band music.

What was I typing about? Oh yeah, the cliffs! It was a beautiful walk down to the cliffs. The ground started to get really bumpy and uneven, but I managed to get to where I needed to. Sarah and my roomie on the other hand had a bit of a problem with the ground  >.< This is my failed attempt to squish the sun lol It's not as easy as I thought it would be.

Here's a few other pictures and video for you guys to enjoy!

I tried to catch the sun setting, sorry it's kind of hard to see

It was such a breath taking view. Oh and sorry bout the odd ordering of the vids/pics. I think I will go visit there again. Would you guys go?

Bob and I stayed up till 3 am. Bob wanted to watch a movie so I said fine. We wanted to sit in her room, but Dory was sleeping, one of my roomies were going to bed, then the common room was occupied, the balcony across the way had smokers and drinkers, so we settled with sitting near the elevator. I am kinda glad we sat there, cuz the RAs on duty, a police officer, and campus security came to the suite across the way. All this because the people across the way were drinking and smoking. The students were asked to get their IDs out and sit in their common room. Bob and I heard one of the people call someone and report all the ID numbers. One by one the students came out of the suite and were ordered to walk down the stairs. One kid, that didn't even live there, had a large amount of alcohol, prob vodka. He was taken for a detox, not for jail.

It shouldn't have been so interesting, but it was. If I were them I would have been so scared. Not sure what became of them all, but I did get half way through the Adams Family!

What a day? I forgot to tell you guys, I also took 2 ASL quizzes that day along with a MMW midterm. That midterm was crazy! I mean had two essay qs, seven or so because questions, and maybe fifty or so multiple choice. All that in only 50 mins! Cool thing is that my prof put times on the test sections so we could see if we were on track.

So glad midterms are done!!! Now have to worry about the next set of em.



  1. I'm also glad midterms are behind and you were able to relax a little. Nice pics and vids.
