Monday, November 18, 2013

Goodie Bag!

Hey there,

Yes I am still alive, or at least physically. Been quite busy with school work and the time I do have left over I just don't have the energy to write a blog. I mean I don't even have the energy to sit and watch my youtube subscriptions! That's when you know I am tired.

Here's a little post bout a few things from maybe two weeks ago?

This is what I got in my goodie bag. If you can't see, I think there is a reusable bag, can sleeve, coupons, paper, snacks, and a pencil. I am not sure why but even though it's nothing significant, I got so excited about it!

Every Tuesday there is a farmer's market and I decided to try a new booth. It was a totally different booth but it looks like I kept to my usual tomato, cheese, and basil lol People that know me know I have some issues with new foods because I am just so darn picky! I just can't help it, and that's what helps make me unique, right?

It was some sort of dough with cheese, tomato, and basil then deep fried. I have problems with a lot of cheese so I pulled some of it out. (There is one special case where the amount of cheese is outrageous in most normal people's eyes. Can you guess it? Leave a comment!)

Remember that plaid shirt I got for cheap? Well Bob and I met for breakfast and look at what we wore!! We were twinsies lol Sarah took this lovely picture for us. Bob has problems with saggy pants so she tried pulling up her pants and I thought I would pull mine up just in case, and this is the picture we got -.- Sarah took a few others but this one is just so us that I had to choose this one!

SJ came to visit me (last last week?)! Surprised me by coming down on Thursday so I took him out to the Bistro in the village. Turns out that the Bistro is packed at night, unlike its normal desertedness when Bob, Sarah, Dory, and I go. I think some people were laughing at me taking pictures of my food. I got kind of embarrassed, but you know what? I was doing it for a good cause, not just some silly popular social media!

Sorry for the absence of writing, but I have to go do some studying. Then some homework. Then maybe dinner. Then more studying. Then more homework. Yaaaay!!! . . . not really.



  1. Glad you're back from under a large rock. You've always been and forever will be a picky, finicky eater, but we still love you . . . except when I have to cook two separate meals :).

    1. Can't wait for finals -.- Yeah i think i will always be picky, but i think i will get a bit better

  2. Lol, love the shirts! I can't stand a lot of cheese too, but I've been going to the Italian dining hall a lot. Isn't that ironic!!! Lol, is the special case cheese cake?

    1. lol good guess but think powdered cheese! Cheese I put on our favorite type of triangle shaped food!!

  3. The stuff in the goodie bag is cool. Where'd you get it? I'd like one too. It's good to see you are trying new things kinda instead of sticking to the same old routine of not exploring. It is also good to see you being kinda more photogenic but i understand why you dont take pictures of your face. Also don't worry about taking pictures of food. I do it all the time! And its highly likely youa rent going to see the poeple laughing at you again so its okay
