Sunday, October 23, 2016

LACF 2016


Yes, these posts are out of order, but oh well. September 22nd he and I went to the LA County Fair. Working for Fairplex gives me some perks which is how we got into the dinosaur exhibit for FREE! There were tons of animatronic dinosaurs ranging in color, size, and shape.

He really likes those claw games so you can only imagine the look on his face when we came across this claw that picks up dino eggs.

Look at this awesome sandbox!

We made our way over to the flower and garden pavilion and took some cool colorful photos. The pavilion is one of my favorite places to visit at the fair. One, I love flowers, and two, I feel relaxed around all the flowers.

I got to attempt to be a model for him to practice using his ew fancy camera lens. Yeah, I need to work on not being so awkward.

Who knew pool noodles could be useful outside of the pool!

Can't go to the fair without seeing the animals right?? We got to see baby sheep, calves, goats, miniature horses, etc.

I can't go to the fair without getting chocolate milk!! Seriously, even if I only get to work the fair I will clock out and walk across the fairgrounds to buy the little container of chocolate milk!

Before we called it a day, he let me pick a ride. I had my eye on the swings for half the day! Aren't we cute? Well I mean he always poses like a model, and I am always slightly funky looking. To be honest the swings were a bit more intense than I had expected. They weren't the kind that simply raise straight up and go in circles. This swing went up and then kind of swung you up and down if that makes any sense? Regardless, I had fun! When it was time to get off the swing I couldn't walk straight. I mean I really couldn't! I was trying very hard to walk like a normal person, but I'm pretty sure everyone could tell I was struggling.

Sadly, we had to leave the fair early because my bosses required I show up to help with a private party for three hours.

Aside from work of course, I had a lot of fun that day.


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