Sunday, June 22, 2014

Gifts & Griefs


Let's start with the gifts part of this post. I don't like getting a ton of cards and gifts for my birthday so this was a nice amount. The main gift was my new iPad Air. Got a tin of one of my fav cookies, spending money, a Lush gift card, etc. My aunt got me a cut of soap from Lush!! I haven't had the chance to go to Lush in weeks, but I think I am still kind of obsessed with the store!

Schatzi got me my very own special S'well bottle! Can't say it'd be the first design I'd have chosen, but after hearing his thought behind it, I love it. He said because I won't get my ocean view from the dorm next year he thought I could use a little blue in my room. Isn't that thoughtful? Now I can carry my water with me and not worry about the condensation or needing to add more ice. The bottle is specially designed to keep liquid cool for 24 hours or hot for 12! Pretty cool huh? (Think that's one of the first things Schatzi said to me when he showed me his bottle lol) The box in the bottom corner of the top photo was also from my Schatzi. He's so funny. Before I got to open my gifts he made sure I would open his last. Figured it was for the iPad because of his reaction the night before at the pool. He was surprised I hadn't gotten my iPad yet.

You guys see the duct tape bag in the top photo? My cousin happens to be super crafty and made it! Not only did she made that bag decorated with a bow and a peace sign charm, she made a bunch of intricate items too! She made me a bow ring, a balloon tied to a letter, a ball, a snake, and an awesome hand sanitizer case with a candy charm! Each item has my favorite color too! The funny thing is that I had forgotten that she emailed me a week or two prior to ask me what my favorite colors were . . . I told her I liked teal and green. I'd have never though to make any of these. She's so creative!

Now on to the griefs aspect. Normally introducing a boyfriend or girlfriend to the family can be a bit interesting right? Well Schatzi is very different that my past high school boyfriends. Not in a bad way! Introducing him to the family didn't go terrible, yet can't say it went great. My grandparents are far from fond of his/our mode of transportation. That starter the evening off not so well, but by the end of the night they cooled off. I think it's safe to say that the rest of the family likes him! While we are on the topic of family . . . I get to meet his family next week! Super excited about it! Only get to be up there for 3 whole days, but still better than nothing right?


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