Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blueberry Muffin Breakfast

Morning friends!

Woke a minute before Schatzi's alarm went off at 7:00. He said he would make me blueberry muffins since it would be my first meal off my diet! So he started baking while I fell back asleep for a bit. It was so satisfying waking up to the smell of fresh baked muffins. Smelled delicious, but he said he had burnt them. I find it hilarious because he bakes all sorts of things during the holidays, but a box mix of blueberry muffin mix gave him a hard time! They don't look that bad right? The tops were perfect in my opinion! Nice and brown, toasty, warm!

So off he went on his motorcycle to fetch another box of muffin mix. Here he is placing the foil cups into the muffin pan. I have a question for you guys. At home I was told to use the foil not the papers between the foils. Are both the foil and paper usable? I mean not the paper that come on their own, but the ones that separate the foils ones themselves. Schatzi made a good point though. He said maybe to use the foil then place the paper inside since the muffins would stick to the foil. Sooo maybe the paper would help and the foil is for looks?

I spilled a bit on the edges, but there they are before they went into the oven. Front corner of four have chocolate chips!

Since Schatzi was making muffins I decided to try Blogilates' banana pancakes! Just cuz I am off the diet doesn't mean I should go tooo crazy right? I peeled and mashed a banana in a bowl. Then added two eggs

Not a bad breakfast if you ask me! I usually put butter on my muffins, but I recently found out that this isn't the norm. Many of my friends have never put butter on their muffins, Schatzi included. Do you guys put butter on your muffins? Or do you eat them plain?

It's just Schatzi and I so of course we had leftovers. He was so kind as to pack me up some to take back to my dorm!

Thanks for breakfast Schatzi