Sunday, March 30, 2014

Last Day :(

Afternoon everyone!

Yes the time has come. It is officially the LAST day of Spring break for us UCSD goers. Spent the day with my amazing boyfriend! We woke at 7:30ish but didn't get outa bed till late. Schatzi wanted to go to Fashion Valley Mall for new Ugg slippers. It was my first time at that particular mall and it was really nice.

We went to a handful of stores one of which was Sephora. While we were lookin around a lady came up to us asking if I wanted to have someone introduce me to products. I was hesitant, but Schatzi told me to go for it. So I sat down with a lady while Schatzi took a trip to The Art of Shaving. Look at Schatzi's little shaving haul. Ain't that fancy?? There's something about facial hair that I don't like so Schatzi shaves it off for me even though he likes having his beard from time to time. He likes to use a straight razor which scares me a bit, but it does a very nice job. Schatzi used to end up bleeding after every shave, but he just used his new one and didn't bleed! Isn't he the sweetest? Looks so professional babe. Happy for you and your new products.

The lady tried a few things on me like a toner, exfoliant, moisturizer, and tinted sunscreen. I don't like to try new things because (bob says hi) then I feel obligated to purchase the product. I felt that she wanted me to purchase the sunscreen for $47 but I came up with a nice way to say no. I asked her if she could write down all the info so I could order it online. That way I could see how I like the product as time passes. She packed me 2 samples of what she used and a cleanser and sugar face exfoliant. Schatzi didn't get to buy me slippers at the Ugg store so he chose the teal/turquoise/sea foam green gel polish. He pointed out that he feels like a "non-person" when he walks through that store. I didn't notice that but the employees don't even glance at the males. Yet he ended up paying for my stuffs. Thanks again!

I really wanted ice cream so guess what? Yup, we got it! I got a kiddie size mango sorbet in a rainbow sprinkle chocolate waffle cone! Schatzi got a butter pecan shake! It was very yummy and I loved how the sprinkles crunched. Anything with sprinkles makes me happy tbh >.<

Y'all know I am super forgetful right? I forgot to buy notebooks for school, ya know the thing I came to San Diego for? Schatzi took me to Target to grab some. Then dropped me off at the lovely dorm.

Break seems to have passed over night. Did NOT feel like a week long break. I don't think I even slept in all that much during the week either. I did enjoy my time off though.

Time to do some laundry, cleaning, and a bit of reading. Maybe some mental preparation for a full week of classes.

Had an awesome time today though so thank you for that Schatzi :)



  1. I'll take one of those butter pecan shakes. Time to hit the books :(
