Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Finals Snack!

Afternoon everyone!

I have a handful of posts on the To Do List, but finals and school work need to come first right? I was sitting on my usual spot on the couch in the common room when I remembered I hadn't checked my UCSD email yet. So I checked and saw an email from the parcel station! I didn't recall ordering anything so I was a bit confused. Bob and I took a quick trip to the parcel station and there it was! A nice brown box with my name on it! Not to mention the crazy amount of tape on it lol JK not that crazy. My mom and I always tape over the entire paper with the address on it. The tape protects the paper and ink from getting all messed up. Plus it is always a blast taping a box up! You get a form of satisfaction out of perfectly taping it up. If ya don;t know what I am talking about, give it a try! Mom packed me packages of yummyful chestnuts!! I know that when this weekend comes I will be snacking quite a bit. I can now go into the weekend knowing I have a healthy snack for brain food!

Thank you mom!



  1. I finally caught up (on most) of your posts! I've missed a lot! Sounds like your having lotsa fun at UCSD:):):)
