Sunday, March 22, 2015


Hey guys,

Remember that ring I bought myself for my 18th bday? My sister went along for my ring shopping outings and it was a lot of fun. A month+ ago I realized my finger was naked. No ring! Thing is I would never take it off, but then I started taking it off for work and when I work out. Since my ring wasn't exactly cheap and because it has meaning to me I am careful with where I leave it. Always kept it in one of three places, but when I was freaking out looking for my ring I could NOT find it. I tried not to freak out, but I couldn't help it. Ask Schatzi. I was telling him I lost my ring and how this probably makes him never want to buy me any jewelry. He told me I'll find it when I least expect it.

I rarely am in my mom's car, but I was the other day and look!! I looked in the cup holder and saw it, but had to do a double take. Could it be?? It was!! I ain't letting this baby out of my sight!

I've been liking this app called The Hunt. Ever have those moments when you see someone wearing a piece of clothing that you absolutely love but don't know where you could find it? You post photos to this app and people can leave links showing you where you can get it! I came across this photo of these rings on Facebook one day and fell in love. Can you guess which ring caught my eye? Time is up lol The ring on the left caught my eye. Look how pretty it is! I have never seen anything like it before. I WANT! Think I'll ever find it?

Every once in a while I get these random sharp pains in my side right here. Does this ever happen to anyone else? I don't think it's anything really, but still annoying.

I've had Snapchat for a while now and I thought I would share this photo from Bob. Y'all remember Bob? She added this photo to her story. Bob loves to take photos. She would always ask to borrow my camera and take a billion photos. Wana photograph my life for me?


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