Monday, March 9, 2015

Competitive Advantage

Hi guys,

(I wrote this yesterday but didn't get a chance to add the photos and all that so pretend like it's yesterday.)It's that time of the year again. What sucks though is that this time we lost an hour. I usually try to stay up till 2 am to catch the time change, but this morning I chose not to. Surprising though because I only had to wait 40 minutes to catch it. Waking up today I felt no difference. Could be because my alarm clock has been ready for the time change since the last time change. Talk about lazy right?

Starbucks had my favorite sandwich today! But look! Oh yea I forgot to tell you guys I always open it after they heat it and remove the spinach and reposition all of the tomatoes. Yup, I am aware that I am strange, but hey take it or leave it. I don'tknow why this happens to me. This is the second time I've opened one of these sandwiches and found half of the cheese was missing. Not THAT huge of a deal but I will admit it is disapointing.

I had to get the peach tea again. I've been craving it actually! I honestly like this one better than the peach tea at my work, but Shhhh don't tell em! As I sit here in Starbucks reading for my business class I came across this lol "For many of its customers, Starbucks isn't really in the business of selling coffee. Instead, it's offering a place to hang out that happens to sell coffee." I found that funny since you guys know I now like to sit at Starbucks for hours to do homework.

Lots to do today before the work meeting at 8pm. For my nail tech class I have to create a poster on HIV and AIDS. Need to finish chapter 3 for my business class before I can go online and complete the online homework assignment. Thank goodness I did the laundry yesterday. I'm not the only one that does laundry and takes forever to fold it right?

Enjoy your Sunday everyone! Or try at least.


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