Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tide Pools


Two Saturdays ago, we had a three day weekend. Bob wanted to go to the tide pools so Sarah and I said why not! The bus ride took about 20 minutes. Totally worth it. Look, that's someone's gazebo in their front yard!

The tide was still kind of high when we got there so we decided to go eat at a Mexican restaurant to kill some time. Got my usual, Sarah and Bob got the same sandwich. The weird thing was that Sarah finished her WHOLE sandwich before Bob decided she was too full to finish!

I love thrift stores right? So they let me go to the Goodwill store that was a few minutes away by bus. It was such a cute Goodwill store! I guess because it is near the beach the look was more "beach house" like. The store was about a fifth of the size of the one back home. I ended up buying a romper, a pair of sunglasses, and a tank top. I think these were in years ago. Or maybe my memory is making things up for me lol

On the way back to the tide pools we stopped for some froyo! I actually got toppings instead. Got strawberries, lychee, gummy bears, mochi cubes, and popping bobas! 

Finally headed back to the tide pools. You know how when we "plan" things it never goes as planned? Well we had one of those days. Here are some of the photos we took. Enjoy!

Originally planned to be at the tide pools for a few hours. Ended up being there till maybe 6 at night. . .  We moved from a smoother part of the tide pools to a rougher one. Guess who got injured? Sarah did! I was a decent distance from Bob and Sarah when it happened so I just randomly heard Sarah freakn out bout sumthn. Then I saw the blood. Ain't that purrrty? Eventually she stopped bleeding.
The thing about us, Bob and I especially is that we kind of don't pay attention to how far away from out starting point we get . . . I am not the best at approximating distance but I would say we were a good mile away from where we first started. Bob and I were taking a ton of pictures! We stopped to watch the sunset, then realized how late it got!

The problem with not driving is that we don't know much about street names. We had the choice to walk back to where we started, or keep moving forward. Decided we would keep moving cuz didn't want Sarah to get hurt again walking through the rougher area. We made our way back to a street and realized we didn't see any bus stops. I had ta pee soooooo bad! I had to use a porter potty. You thought using one was bad enough right? Well try using one in the dark! Those stink boxes don't have lights you know!

So we trekked on in the cold dark lonely world of La Jolla. Since we didn't plan to be out so late we were all in shorts and slippers. Not the best choice of attire for the beach at night, but hey we didn't die! I think we were walking for an hour. In the dark. By the time we saw the first bus sign we decided that it wasn't safe to cross the street yet. The street had cars going at like 45mph. No cross walk. Dim street lamps. We kept walking along the side of the road when the bus zooms by! .-.  .-.  .-.  That was our reaction to it. Then Bob and I bursted out laughing like crazy people! We knew it would happen!! So we walked to the next bus stop, waited a few minutes, then walked to the next one. We figured moving would keep us warmish. Bob's legs were getting cold so she pulled one of her pairs of shorts down a bit to make "long pants." I felt so embarrassed!

Eventually we made it back to campus, took nice warm showers, and knocked out!

What a day right? 



  1. Sounds like a fun, but long and adventurous day. Your pictures are always so scenic and complimentary to your write-ups; very nice!

    1. Thank you. I try to. Figured the pixs went well

  2. Wow, what a day! Glad you got back safely. The place is so pretty. I'm gonna visit SD someday!
