Friday, February 28, 2014

Torrey Pines Reserve

Hi guys!

You all know how I blog late about events. So last weekend Bob and I went to Torrey Pines Reserve. Well technically it was Friday after class. Bob looked up how to bus to our hiking destination (this should be the first clue as to what's to come). After class we changed, packed our bags, and off to the bus stop! Normally we go to the bus stop near Price Center, but this time we were taking a different bus so we waited near ERC. Waited a good 20 minutes. You would think we were bored, but Bob decided to bark at cars while I did calf raises! Gota sneak in those little workouts right? Towards the end of our bus ride, Bob pulled the string. Turns out we were a number of stops too early. Not surprising right? We ended up walking a ways before we got to an intersection. Bob used her iPhone as a map and said we should cross maybe. We were going to cross then she said maybe this isn't it so we starting walking again. Then she said we should go back and cross! We ended up crossing and turns out it was the right street. That's the road/path leading to the real trails. Doesn't it look peaceful?

Here are some of the signs we came across . . .

Map of the trails (pictures are each 1/3 of the actual map)

On campus there are hydration stations for us to refill our water bottles right? Look! We found one at the reserve. It is WAY faster than the ones at school. Before we found the water refill station I kept telling Bob how I had to pee. Luckily I didn't listen to what Bob kept saying. She kept telling me to pee in a bush on the side of the path and she would watch out for me. We went potty and were off again.
When I saw these rocks I immediately thought of the "rocks" near Disneyland's Splash Mountain ride. Funny thing is that Bob and I were walking from the other way and she stopped to take a picture of the view that would be to the right of this picture but I kept walking. Then I saw this and Bob was like woooah!

The sad thing about the trail we took is that it is shorter than the walk to my Chemistry class last quarter. We found a bench and looked out at the ocean. How romantic right? lol It was such a breathtaking view. No joke, I wasn't even talking and you guys know how much I like to talk. We got to see dolphins jumping out of the water too! I think the highlight of our adventure was this little guy! Named him Phillip! Doesn't he look like a Phillip?? Totally named him! He kept coming around us. If Bob sends me some of her pics of him I will add them to this post. We (Bob and I) were very upset having to walk away from Phillip. He was just too cute and friendly!

Here's one of the sunset photos. 

We were going to stay at the reserve til 9 or 10 but turns out the reserve closes at sunset. We traced our way back and waited for the bus. I was really hungry so I was thrilled to see the bus that would take me back to campus for my dinner! Took one step on the bus and my mood did a 180. It was the creepiest, grossest, smelliest bus ever! Have you seen the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter movie? The Knight Bus with the talking head came into my mind. There were creepy people that looked like they haven't showered in ages, the windows were clouded up (not from temperature but from who knows what), it smelled like I can't even think of what it smelled similar to. Bob opened the window and I was so relieved to get a whiff of fresh air. I thought I was going to die on that bus! We got to our stop and I dashed off that bus! No joke! Left Bob behind lol she was like dang because I got off so fast.

What a Friday. I told her the next time we go that we should go on the beach trail for sure!



  1. Very nice/detailed pictures, especially the scenic sunset photo. Should've named the squirrel Torrey :)

    1. Thanks! He kind of reminds me of the dude from Enchanted
