Friday, May 2, 2014


Hi again!

Sooooo my high school made us write a paper/report each year related to choosing a college or career. My freshman year I chose FIDM. I wanted to grow up to become a fashion designer. Yes, I am serious. May sound like a joke to some, but it wasn't to me at the time. I thought that one day I could have my own line of clothing too. I mean wouldn't that be awesome?!?!!

A suite mate of mine came to me for help. With what? She is attending a party this evening. Sounds normal right? Well it's an anything but clothes party. I don't think I have ever heard of this type of party before . . . Regardless, I agreed to help her make an outfit! After a sheet, two scarves, and maybe half an hour we came up with this! Not the most amazing dress, but I feel good about it. What do y'all think?

Definitely not FIDM material, but it'll do. She and I were saying how she would probably be one of the least slutty looking girls. I think it's too formal looking for the party, but oh well lol