Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sleepover At G&G's


This is many days late, but my brother and I slept over at our grandparent's house! We used to do it more often when we were younger. My brother and my grandpa golfed both days while my grandma cooked dinner while I kept her company in the kitchen. You know how grandparents like to feed their grandchildren? Well my grandma is that type. She is always asking if we have had enough to eat, and will try to feed us more when we say we are full!

The first night my grandma made Captain Crunch chicken, one of our favorites! Didn't take a picture, but she made the chicken, asparagus, salad, sweet beans, etc. Second night my grandma made salmon teryaki, broccoli, asparagus, salad, sweet beans, and musubi. Guess who made that beautifully shaped musubi on the plate! I couldn't believe mine came out looking like that. What you guys don't know is that by the time I was almost done making my one musubi, my grandma had made two and a half.

My brother and I played a game of Scrabble. More like we played our own game of Scrabble! If you know me, you will know that my vocabulary word bank isn't that impressive. So games like Scrabble are challenging for me. Don't really like to play this game, but my brother said we could make up words, but that was toward the end of the game. We spelled words to make them sound like real words. For example, "EZ" is easy, "ROF" is rough, "ALLBO" can be elbow, etc. My brother spelled "POXT" and claimed it worked because when you get the chicken pox you have been poxt lol don't ask me where he learns these things. My grandma came over and after a quick glance told us we were doing it wrong. She asked us what "MII" meant. My brother pointed at the wii and said it's the people on the wii! >.< My brother and I can be so silly at times!

In the morning we all went to Carrow's to grab some grub. I am not a huge breakfast fan, but look at what I got! Bacon, egg whites, potatoes, and a blueberry muffin! I ate everything but half the muffin and half the eggs. See the pancakes in the corner? Those were my brother's and guess who ate half of one of those big pancakes! Hard to believe, but yes I did! I think breakfast potatoes are one of my favorite foods. They have to be a little crisp though and seasoned well. I may even choose em over bacon :O ikr??

We had a blast at our grandparent's house. Hopefully we get to do it again in the near future!


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