Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Happiness?!!?!?

Hi friends!

I got up at 7 today, out of bed at 7:20 though. Ate with Bob, did some homework back at the dorm, went to my three classes, did some homework in the language lab, got my yummyful lunch and now I'm here with y'all!

Lately I have been going to the gym and trying to eat healthy! This is the deliciouso lunch I had. Some sort of lemon parsley sumthn chicken from Pines, raspberries, apple, and a mix of cucumber, carrot, and tofu! Oh I also had some peanut butta along with my mini apple! What a lunch lol

I was too lazy to do laundry on the weekend so I have to do laundry after this post or else I won't have socks for the gym later tonight!! Yep, Sarah and I are gyming it tonight! Did 2 miles on the tredmill the other day, so I am going to try to do 4. I have no clue how many or under what time I should be going at, but at least it's a start right?

I know what y'all are thinking! "How come she always writes about food?"



  1. Way to go on the healthy eating and working out. Four miles is quite a distance to cover, so you might want to gradually increase your mileage.

    1. did 4 miles! also going to get ready for bed now. its a miracle ima b in bed before midnite!!!

  2. Good for you on the 4 miles. I guess when you're still young, 4 miles at a good pace is no problem.
