Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bowling With The Bro

Hey guys,

I had a random craving for ice cream a few weeks back so while my brother and I were out walking the dog I asked if he wanted to go get ice cream with me. Figured we hardly spend any time together so why not make him drive me (he just got his license) to go get some Cold Stone?? Surprisingly he said sure and that he would drive and even pay! Plus he suggested we go bowling!

Same place I went to when Schatzi was here. My brother and I chose two balls each that way we wouldn't have to wait for the ball to come back up. The two on the left look like guacamole!

Oh yea so both of our names start with the letter B. Made it a tad bit confusing, but I was the bottom B and he was the top. Look this is the game where we both got a strike!

Before we started our third game I was really wanting some fries. Bam! Fries and ketchup of course!

I got the idea of using our left hands for the third and final game. We are both right handed so I thought it would be challenging and amusing. I went to go ask if we could get bumpers, but they had a sign saying you had to be 10 or under!! WHAT?! I can look young but not THAT young! Even with no bumpers we decided to give it a try for a bit. We honestly didn't do that bad! For the most part we did just as well with our left as we did our right. Then we started to get gutter balls and went back to using our right hands.

Ending scores. Me: 258 Him: 210

Off to ice cream!! But he decided not to get ice cream. He made me be unhealthy all by myself! He got boba milk tea though. I always have trouble choosing between two flavors. I got both! Mango and cotton candy with sprinkles and gummy bears! If you haven't had ice cream with gummy bears you MUST try! They get nice and hard and extra chewy! I want to mix a ton of sprinkles and mini Haribo gummy bears into some ice cream!

It was nice being able to have time to spend with my brother. Growing up we would annoy each other or play board games or the wii. We would mess with each other at the homework table till my mom yelled at us lol Now that we have grown up a bit I feel like we don't interact much. Even just a handful of hours being silly together made the day really special to me. Thanks for spending some bonding hours with me!


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